Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1


Task 1

You saw a car leaving the sceneof acrimeat high
speed. You got a good view of the car, butyou saw
neither the numbe rplate nor the peop leinside.The
police have asked you to write a descriptionof t he car.
Write100- 150 words.

Task 2

An English-languagemagazineis running a series
entitledThe Eyeof the Beholder.Each week anarticleis
publishedin w hicha reader describes an object or a
workof art thattheyfind particularly beautiful.In the
articlesthat have been publishedsofar, the writershave
usually includeda physical descriptionof theobject
before giving a personalcommentaryon whytheyfind
theobjectbeautiful.Writeabout 250words.

Task 3

You havearranged a house(or flat) exchangewith
someone fromNewZealand. Thismeansthat, for the
month of July, you will beliving in their home in New
Zealand,and they will be living inyour home.

TheNew Zealanders have just writtento you,tellingyou
everything you need to know aboutthe house you will be
staying in (includingthe plumbing problems,and how to
turn off the watersupply in an emergency ;the broken
washing machine, andwheretofind the launderette;the
cat,what iteats andwhere it hides; the localshops and

Reply,in about250 words, tellingtheNew Zealanders
what theyneed toknow aboutyour house.

Task 4

You are on holiday and next week some friends are
comingto join you, butyou are not stayingwhereyou
had expected to be, as youhavefoundsomewhere
muchbetter. Writea shortletter toyour friends, (about
250 words)tellingthemthatyou havemoved and
persuadingthem that you have madea good choice.
Then explainwherethey will f ind you, givingthem
instructionshow to get there by publictransport.

Ta sk 5

An American couple, friends of friendsof yours, w ill be
passing throughyourtown oneday nextJuly. Youwill be
awayonholiday when they come, but nevertheless you


have promisedto write them a briefguidedtour.They
are only planningto be i n your tow nfrommid mornin g to
early evening, so they justwantto see afew of the most
interesting sights,have lunch somewhereandmaybe a
coffee or adrink later.You have never met them before,
their namesareWalterand Phyllis and they are in their
earlythirties.In about250 words,w ritethe couplea
letter in w hichyougive them directions for a guided tour
of your city/ town / village.

Task 6
For a young people'sEnglish- language magazine in your
country,w rite an articleof about250 words givingadvice
onthe followingsubject:
Healthy eating: some sensible advice for teenagers

Task 7
Peoplein yourcountryarefrequently upset bythe
behaviour of some tourists .Tourists somet imesdothings
that are acceptable in their country,butshoc k,surprise
oroffend inyourcountry; conversely, they sometimes fail
to dothingsthat i n your society they are expectedtodo.
Your local tourist office asksyou toproducea sheet of
advice addressedtoEnglish-speaking tourists giving
them advice onhowto behavein your country. Write the
sheetof advice,suggesting what the touristsshould and
should not do if they wish to be well received in your
country. Write about 250 words.

Task 8
For aneduc ational magazine aimed at 16-18 year oldsin
Britain, describeeither the educatio nalor thepolitical
systemin yourcountry(250 words).

Task 9
An English-speakingfriend livingin your country,
impressedby the amountof enjoyment you get out of
your favouritesport(and possiblyby yourskilland
success ), has decided to take up the samespo rt. A
complete beginner, your friendwritesaskingyou to
explain the rules/ techniquesof the sport, where to doit
and who with,to detail all the necessaryequipmentand
to give any otheradvice that may be appropriate. Write a
letter answeringyour friend'srequest (250 words).
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