Task 10
As aresult of a misunderstanding ,you were arrested by
thepolice (eitherin yourowncountryor abroad)and
kept prisonerforthree days. You havea friend who is a
lawyer. Writea letter to your friend(about 250 words),
describingexactly whathappened- why you were
arrested,andhow you were treatedby thepolice- and
askingif you areentitledto anykind of apologyor
Task 11
A local English-languagemagazineruns aregul ar feat ure
entitledNo One Is An Islandin w hich readers are invited
todescribe a relations hipthathasbeenimport ant in their
life.Write an article (about 250 words)for publicationin
this series.
Task 1 2
For theEnglish-language editio nof a tourist guideto
your town/ region, write the lifestory (about 250 words)
of one ofthe famouspeople associatedw ithyourtown /
Task 13
An Ameri can national n ewspaperhas invitedpeoplefrom
aro und the world to write an 'open lett er'to the
President oftheUnited States, forpublicati onin the
newspape r.Writeyour letter (about 250 words).
- Thecontentandstyleof yourletter is left veryopenhere,giving
you a lot of scopetodemonstrateyourskillsand creativity.To
succeedinthistask youshouldwrite a letter that the people
who buy thenewspaperwouldenjoyreading.Youmightcriticize
thePresident,oryoumightpraisehim. Moreconstructively,you
mightdraw hisattentionto one or more of the many ways in
whichhecoulduse hisimmensepower to make the world a
better place.Arethereanyinjusticesin theworld,or threatsto
thefutureoftheworld.thatyouwouldlikehim to do something
Task 14
Unemployment isIncreasin gthroug~~utthedevelopedworld,
andits effect onindividualsandfamiliescan be tragic.~oyou
have asolution totheproblemofunemplo)ment?Consid erthe
causesofunemplo~1l1ent.andhowworkcould be better shared.
Write an article(about 2; 0 word s) enutled'ASoluuonto the
Problem of unemplo)11lenl'. I'.5.~Iagazinewillpublishthe best
Task 15
Theproblemof faminein theThird Worldis ever present
- but easily forgotte n from thecomfort of our homes.
What sho uld webe doing asindivi duals to helpthe
people whoare dying of hunger? What should our
governments be doing?Write an articleof about 250
words for yourschoolmagazine.
Task 16
For your school magazine,writea review (250 words)of
the worst film, concertor1Vprogrammeyou have seen
- You havea good reputationas acritic,and you willmaintainthis
reputation by offering a balancedjudgement. Mentionthe
positive pointsas well asthe negativeaspects,and justifyyour
Task 17
You have just received the following letter from a19 -
year-oldfriendwhois workinginNewZealand. Write a
reply to her letter (about 250 words).
Things withGaryjustgotworse and worse, and
I'mnotgoingoutwith him any more. Ican'tbelieveI
came allthiswayjusttobenear him!Thetroubleis,
I'mstillworkingin hisparents'fa ct ory, soIstillsee
himmostdays, andhe always makessarcastic,
hurtfulcomments. I've been offeredtwo otherjobs,
oneina barand theotherinapharmaceutical
or drugs, soIturnedthem bothdown. Oh yes, one
morejoboffer(much moreinteresting!)Imetaman
whoislookingforcrewtosailaroundthePacific in
hisyacht.ButI haven't seen him again,
Anyway,withoutGaryand hisfriendsI don't
know anybody here. I never gooutany more,but
spendmyeveningsathome thinkingofthegood
timeswe all hadtogetherlastsummer.
I hadsowantedtoexploretheseislands,the
mountains,thebeaches,theMaori culture.Butthat
dream has gonenow,togetherwit hmyhopesof
improvingmyspokenEnglish(Ihope you don'tmind
mypractisingmywrit t en Englis hon you,bythe
way).Thereare only tworeasonswhyIhaven'tcome
home already.First,I'mhavingt rouble changingthe
dateofmyliight. And second, 1 haven't reallygota
lottogo backto:whenI cameouthereIhadtogive
upmyjobandmyfiat,anditcostme allmysavings.
Please write andtellmewhatI should do! Your
advice would bringarayofsunshineintomy