Describingpicturesand objects • Module1B
Now read thes etwodescriptionsof thephotos. Thefirst is someonetalking
about thefa mily photo , and is writte nin a n informal style. Thephotogra ph is
being exhibitedin anartgallery, and the descriptionis takenfrom theexhibition
catalogue. Thephrasesprinted initalicsare some that youmightfinduseful in
Note alsothe tensesoftheve rbs.
- The pre sent continuousisuse dtodesc ribewhat i s happe ning ill a pict ure
( 1'/11!w uillgadonkci]rid e; she'su;ca r ill g). - The present perfec t canheusedtodescri bewhat has just happened
(thecoatshe Iw sjllst b een gicen).
Fillthegapsin the two descriptions.Allthe mis sing words are adjectives. Use
your imagination!This is a 'creative writing ' exe rcise , not a gra mma r test. Take
ris ks withvocabulary!
Skeqness DonkelJ Ride
My favouritefamilyphotois this one, takenwhenI
was a little girl backin the '30s. I'm having a
donkeyride on the beach at Skegness. That' s my
cousinSylviaon the left ofthe photo, holdi ngthe
reins. We have alwaysgot on very well together,
e ven though sheis five years older than me. Andshe
has ne verlost that ( 1) gap-toothed grin.
In the photo, s he's wearinga (2) woollen
coa t she has ju st beengiven. I remember howproud
she was of it, with its (3) collarand cuff s.
Here, the coat is almost brandnew; twoyearslater
shewas stillwearing it, thoughthesleevesstopped
ju st belowher elbows and the blackhad faded to
something like the colourof that donkey. She was
veryfondof the hat,too, a dark(4) redwith
a broadsatinribbon,Itwasmeant tobe asummer
hat,but she see med towearit almost all year round -
shesaid itwas good at keepingthe rain off.
SaoPaolo, 1960
At first we ar e st ruc k by anatmospher e o f
st ressandoppression.Thephotographer
givesu s a gli m pse ofthetension, between
the in di vidual an dthe facel essCIty,.
represen t ed asmuchb ytheuniformbusiness
su its asbytheimpersonalnutldings, For a
momentwe believethatthesefourmenar e
theo n ly peopletobesee n, But (9) _
figuresca n be di scernedinthestreetbelow.
Andwe kno wthatevery carhas adriver,
a n dt h a t behindeve rywindo wintho se
Ove r my rightshoul der, also on a donkey, you
ca n seemy cousinDavid,just one year older than
me, and Auntie Jessie,Sylvia's mother.Auntie Jessie
seems to bepullingat a donke y' s ear s, in the same
(5) wayshewouldalwaysbepulling atmy
clothes or straightening my hair. Andif you look
veryclos ely, you can just mak e out the edge of ahat
directly behind my head. That's Uncle Harry.I don' t
know what he' s doing there- probably ju st waiting
for the pubs to openI
If you asked me why I like thi s photosomuch, I
co uldn't reallysay. More thananything else,I think
the picture sums upwhata (6) , adventurous
and(7) summer [ hadthatyea r, That week
wit h AuntieJessie was the first I hadspe nt away
from my parents, butI wasnever (8) , and
neverhomesick. Look at my style andcowboy
confide nceon that donkey !JohnWayne, eat your
heart out!
(10) buildings someoneis sitti ng,Th e
ca m e ra itse lfm us thave beenp lacedh ighin
oneo fthe ver ybuildingsthat appear to be
so e m p ty of life an dhumanity.
Theco n t rast betweenthe(11) _
su nsh ine an dt hesu rro u n d ing greyness
m akesthe picture work ,Thefour
b us inessm e n, perhaps ta king a sh ort break
fromtheirwork,a rewalkingo u to fth~
picturewiththe afternoon su nonthen
backs,andwe our selves are ledintothe.
(1 2) distancealong aline o f dazzling
Types of writing • 43