Unit 2 • Action
1.2 If, to,by
A Punctuate the following tex t and divideit intotwo or three paragraphs.
There are somewhatdiffe rent methods of pickingup a baby or half
grownrabbitas opposed to anadult a youngrabbitcan beeasily
picked up by slidinga hand under the bellyandliftingbodily
beforeit has a chanceofjumpingawayth e t rickistohave the
animals body nicely balanced in the palmof the hand a veryyoung
rabbit beingpicked upforthe first time may strugglea little so
t ransfer it t o your chest and soothe it by gentle strok ing
alternatively bring upt heot her hand and cuddleit gently hold the
animalfirmlybutnottightly otherwise it may struggleall the more
vig orously most young rabbitsquickly adapttobeing picked upin
t hismanner andcorrectly held rarelystruggle howeverthey must
have th e opportun ity tobecome accustomed tothehuman
handanditis advisabletohandle youngsters ofaboutfive tosix
w eeksonwa rds ona regular basisspare afewmoments at feeding
timetof ondl eth e youngstersw hi le theyare eagerforfood.
B This exerciseprac tisesthree struct uresthat arecommon in giving inst ru ct ions.
IJ IJyonwant to picko[l a rubbi t,
slidea handunderits helly.
To Topicklipa rahhit, s lidea
handu nderitshelly.
By Youcan pick liparaliluthy
slidinga handonderits belly,
IJ IJthe rulihi tst rnggles, hol d it
again st YOll rchest. This will soo theit.
To Tosoothea rabbit thatstruggles,
ho lditagainstYOllrc hest.
By Soothe a ralil ut thatst ruggleshy
hold ingitagainstyo ur chest.
Rewrite these sentences usingstructureswithtoandby.
I I f youwanttotu mri~ht,1ll 00 'Cthe stee ringwheelclockwise.
2 I fyOllwantittowork, kickit.
3 If t his is ap roble m,use cold milk.(use(leah/)
4 Ifyouwanttointerruptthespeaker, raise yourhand.
5 Ify Ollblowharde r, you \\; 11 get a highernote.
6 IfyoIIle t go asSOOIlasitgets ho t , yon won't beb urnt.(lisem:oil!)
7 Y OI1lIlayfind thatyou rhandWri tingImprovesifyOllwritemore slow ly.
C Practice
Write six sentences givinginstructions on how to behave witha newemployeror
teacher usingif, toandby(two sentences usingeach structure).
2.0 An 'advice'article
Thetext below is a model answer to this CAE writing task:
Write, forpublicationin anEnglish-lang uag emagazine , aseto f t ips(pieces
ofadvice)forstudentswho arepreparingto take theCAEexam. Yourarticle
shouldbeabout 250 words.
1 Writesubt itles(A-E) for those paragraphsthat don'thavethem.
2 Writea sui table int roduction (between 20 and 40 wordsrecommended).
3 The articleis abit too long.Cut anything that you feel is irrelevantor
52 • Typesof writing