Unit2 • Action
2.0 Organizationandcohesion
Howare soft centres put into chocolates?Canyouor your partneranswerthat
questionbeforereadingthe textbelow?
Putting the
soft centre
in achocolate
The secret of putting creamy
cent re sintochoco lates isthatthe
first, covered with liquid
5 chocolate, then made creamy
insideth echocolatecoating.
Soft- ce n t re dchocolatescontain
sugar with a quarter ofits own
10 weightofwater.Thesolution is
heated slowly until the sugar
dissolves, and then thesyrup is
boileduntilitreaches 115 °C.The
hot,sticky,clearsolution isthen
15 pouredoutandlefttocoo)to38° C,
wheni!becomesa mass oftiny
The fondant is re-heated to
43° C,wheni! issoftenoughfor
20 natural or artificial colours or
flavourstobekneaded"in. Atthe
sametime, anotheringredientis
added- anenzymecalledinvertase.
Thenextstepis tomouldthe
25 kneadedfondantintofancyshapes,
byre-heatingit untilit is justliquid
and pouring it into c o r n flo u r
moulds. A shallow flat bed of
cornflourpassesundera machine
30 whichstampsindentationsforthe
shapes,whichare thenfilled with
theliquidfondant. As!!coolsand
hardens,thefondant c e n tre s pull
awayfrom thec o rn flo u r slightly,
35 and ar e then turned out onto
coversthebase,whilea c u rtainof
40 meltedchocolatec o ve rstherestof
hardened,thecoveredsw e e ts are
heatedto 30 °C,whichisnot hot
en o ug h to meltthechocolatebut
45 activates the invertase. Invertase
breaks down the sugar in the
fondant into it s two main
components glucose and
fructose. These are both more
50 soluble than sugar, and they
co m bin e with the water in the
fondantto liquefy thecentresand
make them creamy. The process
takessev eral days.
"ro knead=to mix
56 • Types of writing
A The wordsinboldin the text help to signalthe chronologicalorder of the
process (notethat the wordafteris not needed). Apart from these words, what
else contributesto thec hronologicalorderingof thedescription?
BThe underlined wordsall refer back to a wordor idea that has been
mentionedbefore. In each case, say exactlywhat theunderlined wordis
referring to.
which(line8) refers tofondant(line8).
thekneadedfondant(line 25) refers tot he fondant whichnow containscolours,
flavours and invertase (lines20-23).
CWhat is thefunct ion of the first paragraphin relationto therest of thetext?
D How arethe followingideas expressed inthetext?
- The hot ,xt ickv.clearsolution is the npoure dout.\Vhen it has beenpoured
out, it is the n leftto cool until it re ache s 38°C.\ Vhenit re ache sthat
tem perature ,it becom es amassof tiny sugarcryxtalx. - The next step is tomouldthe kneadedfond antintofancyshapes.In orde rto
ach ieve this, th e kne adedfondant isre-heated until it is j ustliq uid, the n
immediatelypouredinto corntlourmoulds.
Whichare better, thesentenceshereor those int he text? Why?