Processesandsystems • Module2C
2.1 Moreon cohesion
This textwaswritte n forschoo lsc ie nce students. The exercise focuses on
cohesion, including the features studied in2 .0.Completethe text by writing the
missingword in eachgap. Theexe rcise begins withan example(0 ).See page 9
for information andadviceaboutt his exercise type.
How a
induction.(0) This
me an s tha t,ifano b jec tis placed in
a cha ng ing magn e ticfield, a n
electrical voltageiscreatedin
( 1) object.Ina
metaldetector,anelectrical curr e n t
is passedthrougha c o ilofwire,
c all e d the:search coil,
(2) c reatea
magn eti cfield.(3)'_~,To _
alte rn at ingcurrent(Ae)generator
fromth ebatteryintotheAC
neededtod rivethecoil.
(4 )-..,_, , ACregularly
re ve rsesd ire c tio n,itp roduce sth e
ne c e ssaryever-cha ng ingmagnetic
Cu rrentsaregenerated,in a
metal object (5)__
comeswithintheruag ne ric fieldby
aprocess k nownasinduction.
When a curren t isinducedina
m etal ob jec t(fo r example , aburied
coin),( 6)-.., in turn
(7), magn eti cfields
arecapableo f ind uci nga small
amou ntofelectricity in the
detector's search coilitself.
111esim p le stkindofmetal
detectoristhepulseinducti on
type. Apowerfu lc ur ren t ispassed
fromthebattery throug h the search
coil and( 8)
switchedoff. Thepulseof
magnetismcausescurrentsto flow
in anytarget ob jec tsbelowthe
ground. (9), , unlike
thecurrentin these arc hcoil, the
c ur rent inth eobjectc an no t be
sw itch edoff; it ( 10) _
to dieawaynaturally. Asit fades,
th e current intheobjectreacti vate s
th esearch coil. 111 is voltageis
( 11) amp li fied to
indicatewith a so u ndora flash ing
lighttha tan o b jecthasbeen found.
2.2 Writingpractice
The following advertisement appearedin the newsletterof The GreenCross,an
organization dedicated to promot ingmore efficient use ofthe world'snatural
resources andto reducingpolluti on.
A thousand and one ways to save the planet
Is everythinginyour town 100 %efficient?Thlnkof
rubbishcollection ,transport, of ficehours, recycling,
et c. Wbatever system you choose ,get t ogeth er wit h
some friends and findwaysinw hich it could be made
more efficient,eit he rsavi ngenergyo r reducin g
poll ut io n.Remember, "smallis beauti ful "- evenifyour
idea onlysaves a few calorie s, it's still part of a giant
step for mankind!Tbenw rite to us, describingtbe
presentsystem in detail ,andoutlin ingyour plansfo r
improvement. Thebest i deas we receive willbe
included in our newpubli cati on ,1,0 01 Ways To Save
The Planet ,andshould be about250 word s long.
Work in a groupto chooseanappropriatesystem and make it more efficient,
then writeyourideas so they can be included in the book.
Task bank;Tasks 8, 9, 35 and 40
Types of writing • 57