Narratives andconnectingwords • Module3A
Tostartwith No\\,2 Intheend
.I tfirst '/Fir st Atp resent .It{ast^3
A i t hemome ll! Ecentualb]
l liitial/y Forth e timeIJeill g IIIti me
IIIthehegillllill g NowadalJs^111 the end
High tnow
1 Firstly/Firste mphasizes the seq ue nce of events.
First .. .then...fillal/y...
Atfi rstimplie sa contrastwit hwhathappe nslate r.
AtfirstIrcastncompetent.hnrilltheClUJI becam ercasOIllIblyp rofi cictll.
2 A ctuallymeansi llfact;itneverme ansllOre.
:3Atlastim plies a feelingofre lie f, soitis notthe usualpartnertoatJirst(lis e
illth e em !oreventually).
B Practice
Now , usingoneof the new opening sentences below, start yourcontinuation
witha word or phrase fromBoxB column 1 ( first).Continue, usingany
wordsfromeitherbox, especially Box B column 2 (takingyour narrativeintothe
present) or BoxB column3 (which brings yournarrativeto a conclusion). This
time, be espec iallycareful with the tensesof your verbs.
- I dream edI was A)i ngina hotairballoon.
- DidI ever t e ll yo uabo ut the timeI was kid nap pe dbyaliens?
- Ithas heena fantasticholiday.
- Har rison was hcginn ing towish he hadnever e nte red the j ungle.
- \"henI lostmy job, I decided tobecome a cri minal,
- Ihaven 't e njoyedthis part yat all.
1.2 Writingpractice
Write a brief historyof your town or region(150- 200 words) forthe English-
languageeditionof atourist guide.Usethe text abo utCambridgeon page 59 as
a model.
Types of writing • 61