Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1
19 52 BornSao Paulo,Brazil.Irish
mother,Brazilian father.Mother
si ngerin nightclub ,father jazz
1957 Startsclassical pi ano.
1968 Appears on Brazil ianTV
(piano: Chopi n, L iszt].
1969 -70 Leaves home,travels
(USA, Caribbean,Afri ca).Studies
drums and percussion.
1971 - 74 LAMDADrama School,
London. Conti nuesdrums and
percuss ionwit h leadin gAfrican,
Brazili an and jazzmusicia ns.
1974- 75 Theatre: 18months
wit h Royal Shakespeare Company.

1976 Travelsin Afric a and Asia ,
study ingpercussion, folklore,
1977 London. Beginningofpunk
rock.Fo rmsband.DGeneration. I n
TVinterview ,describes classical
music andtheatreas ' the dead
culture of themiddl e classes'whil e
punkis ' th e li vi ng folkmusic of th e
1979 Diss olvesDGeneration aft er
two and ahal f y earstouri ng
Britai n,Europeand USA, fiveTop
40 si nglesand two albums.
1980 Refusesleading rol e i n punk
rock filmBroken Engli shbecause
fil m'doesn't understandpunk- our

Biographicalnarratives • M odule 38

idea ls,o ur lifes tyle or ourart:we're
not cinema, we' reforreal. '
Majorrol e as punk rockerin
Derek Agios'si ndependentfilm
Street Party. Cri ticalsuc cess.
1981 -82 Tra vels aroundworld ,
study i ng mus ic andtheatr e.
1981 M arriage to DiegoAgui rre,
Cubanwriter. Moves to Cuba.
1981-94 Successful careeras
performerand music teacherin
Music(danceorchestras,j azz
quartet),theatreand TV work.
Start stowri te in' 86:many short
stories published,one novel.
19 9 4 Death (car acci dent).

1 First.readth e question very carefullyandthink:
Whoam I goingto write this letter for?(target reader)
WhyamI goingto writeit?(taskachievement)
When you write to a newspap eryou write to the edit or, butyour l ett eris in
lac tint endedforpubli cation in the newspape r.Your'targetreader' is therefore
the readerofthenewspaper. Don'texpecta reply or anapologyfrom the
editor.Yourmaintas k is calmly to correct the falseinformation and thus clear
2 Studythe informationin detail, underliningall theinaccuracies in the review.
Someof theseerrorsmay be harmlessmistakes andperhapsnotworth
mentio ning,w hileothersmay be extremelyoffensive.
3 "Ian yourlett er.It shoul d include:

4 Don't accuseth e writerof t he articleof 'lying'. If somebodydoesn't have a
goodgraspof t hefact s, theyare'mistaken'or'misinformed '.
5 This kind of writ ingtask is in fact a role-play. You can use yourimagination
butyou mustn' t changeanyofthe fact syou are given.
Task bank: Tasks26 and 28

Useful wordsandphrases
II CU Sshocked/horr ified /
sW7uised to read...
allegations/d espit es l rBaco n's
suggests,.. /far/rombci1lg
ofthe rell/ark ahle ca reerof...

Firstparag raph •

  • Middlesection •

Lastparagraph •

clearreferen ceto newspaper article (tit leofarticleand
date); in tasks whe ntheseareno t gh"en. you mayinvent
explanationofyo urco nnect ion to this stOl)'(brie f d e rails
ofyo ur personal acquaintancewith Cindy).
expressionofyour reactionto the article.
paragraphsdealing with the mostimportante rrors.Civea clear
accounto f the facts, perhaps in the formofa
biographicalnarrative .Point out where thereviewe r
givesfalseinformation, and correctthefalseoverall
imp ressionof Cindy's career and qualitie s.
a conclusionwhichsu mmarizesyourwho le le tter.

Typ es of writing • 65
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