Papers2 and 3
CAE Pap e r 2 mark sc h e me
5 4 3 2 1 o
Totally posit iveeffect on targetreader.
Minimal errors: resourceful, controlledandnatural use of language, showinggood
range of vocabulary and structure.
Completion of task: well organized,gooduse of cohesive devices, appropriate
register, no relevant omissions.
Sufficiently natural. Errors only when more complex language attempted. Some
evidence of range of vocabulary and structu re. Good attemptat task, only minor
omissions.Attention paidto organizationandcohesion; registernot alwaysnatural
butpositiveeffect on target reader achieved.
Accuracyof language satisfactory; adequate range of vocabulary andstructures.
Reasonable task achievement.
Or, an ambitiousattemptat task, withgoodrange of vocabulary and structures,
causing a number of non-impedingerrors. There may be minor omissions, but
contentclearly organized. Would have a positiveeffecton target reader.
Errors sometimesobscurecommunicatio n and/or l anguage too elementary. Some
attemptat task but notable omissionsand/orlack of organization and cohesion.
Would have negative effect on target reader.
Serious lack of control and/orfrequent basic errors. Narrow range of language.
Totally inadequateattemptat task. Very negative effect on target reader.
Not sufficientcomprehensiblelanguage for assessment.
If the taskinstructionsask you toproducetwodifferent pieces of writing, or
answertwoquestionsin one piece of writing,you can't get a 'pass mark'unless
you do both.
1 If you wantto use Americanspelling insteadofBritish spelling, you must spell
everythingthe American way.
2 You can lose a mark for bad spelling if it makes your writing hard to read and
You canlose oneoreven two marks if yourwriting is difficultto read.
For a 250-wordtask,nobodyis going to count the words BUT:
- in practice, it is very difficult to write a completely satisfactory answer in fewer
words - ifyou write much too much, your writingis verylikely to'have a negativeeffect
on the target reader' andtoincludeirrelevantmaterial,for bothof whichyou
would be pen alized.
You areexpectedtolayoutyour writing (letters, reports,instnuctions,leaflets,
etc.) in theappropriateway.If in doubt, read the instnuctions.