Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1
Describingplaces • Module 58

58 Describingplaces

1.0 Varyingyour sentences

A Prepositions ofpos iti on(behind,in front of, next to)can be very useful when
describing ascene, butthey arenott he only wayto describespatial
relationships.You can improve yourw riting by using a variety of struct ures.
Compare these two descriptions.
The reis a church ne xttotheriver,
andbe lowthe churc h ther e are the
last housesill the dllage. After the
house stherearc fie lds, andin the
di stancether e is alak e .The r e are
trees all round the lake.

TheriverlIows downpast a
church,thensnakes aroundthe
last house in the\i llagebefore
cuttingacros sthe fie lds towards
a lake surrounde dbvtre es.

1 Is there any difference betweenthe two scenes described?
2 What structuresare repeatedin the firsttext?
3 Which feature of t he landscapeis the 'organizing prin ciple' ofthe secondtext?
4 What r ep laces prepos itionsof placein the secondtext?
B In thisdescripti on,t he writerdescribes OfficerB's cabin andthe otherfacilities
on a transatlantic cargo ship.

H is cab in wa sa roomy st u dio apartmen tfurnish e dwith b ook-
cas es, a refriger ator ;a kings izedbed, a com fo rt a bleso fa,along d eskof
varnish edp ine, acabinet fordrinks a ndglasses, aco ffeetable an d his
own lavato ry a ndsho we r.
Justdownthehall, OfTicerBcouldswim ill the heat edp ool,putin
a sweaty ha lfa nhouro n the sq uash cou rt, work out ill the gyma n d
ope n his pores inthesa u na,before show ing up intheofficers' Ba r an d
Lo unge ,where Scotc h was lOp a glass,andw here anewfilmwas
sh own allthevideoat8.15each night.

This excellent and economical descriptionis writtenin two sentences.
1 Arethe two sentencesstruct uredin the same way?
2 Whyarethereno prepositionsof placein the firstsentence?
3 Whatdoes the second sentencehave in commonw iththe sentence
beginningThe river flows downpastachurch .. .?
4 Is the writertrying to tellus that Officer B is an athletic film-lover witha taste
for strongdrink? How do we know the second sentenceis nota narrative?

1.1 Writing practice

A Usingas your model t he exampleabove beginningThe riverflows dow n past
achurch ... write a description, in two sentences, of a landscapeorganized
around something(an animal, a vehicle, therain, etc.) movingacrossthe
B Usingasyour modelthe 'OfficerB' text, write atwo-sentencedesc riptionof a
placewhereyou once stayedonholiday. In thefirst sentenceyoucould, for
example,describeyourroom, andin the second otherfacilities.Makesureyour
description does not sound like a narrative.

Typesof writing • 83
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