Describingplaces • Module 58
2.0 Guide books
A In thistext, froma trave l guideto Morocco,the writerdescribessome of the
places i n Meknes that a touristmight like to visit.The functionof the text is to
recommend (onthe basis of thewriter'sopinions)and toinform.
Read through the textandchoose the bestphrase or sentence, given below,to
fill each of t he gaps. Writeoneletter (A-K)in each gap. Someof thesuggested
answers do not fit at all. The exercisebegins with anexample (0).
The focus of theo ldcity is themass ivegate of
Babel Mansour, the mainentrance to Moulay
Ismai l' s 17th centuryImperial City. The gate is
exceptio nallywell preser vedand is highl y
decorat ed, wit h (faded) zelli j t iles and
insc riptions which run right acrossthe top.
The gatefacesonto the Place el Hedim.
(0 ) B this square is the DarJamai, a
palacebuilt in thelate19thcenturywhich has
recentlybee n turnedinto a verygood muse um.
( 1) museum shousedin histor ic
build ings, the building itse lf is asinteresting as
theexhibits. The domedrecepti onroom
upstairs is fullyfurnishedin thesty le of the
time, completewith plush rugs andcushions.
It i s open dail y, except Tuesday,from9am to
12 noon and3pm to 6pm. Entry costs Dr3.
The med inaproperstretch esawayto thenorth
behindtheDarJam ai. The most convenie nt
accessis throug h the archtothe leftofthe Dar
Ja mai. (2) , as extensiveor as
interesting asthe medina at Fesit is,
nevertheless, worth a visit and youwon' t be
hass ledby 'guides'. (3) are the
ca rpetsouks, which are just off to the left of
the main medina streets, about five minutes
walkfrom DarJamai. (4) Me knesis
nota bad place , as the shopkee pers are a little
bit morerelaxe d thanelsewhere.Bargains a re
stillasrare ashen's teeth. butatlea stthe
barga ining sta rts ata rea sonable level.
Furt heralongthecovered mainstreet is the
BouInania Medressa. (5) it was built
in the mid 14th centu ry.Itis not all that
conspicuous apart from thedome over the
street, whichis easy tospot.Ithas thesame
layout.a nd features as the Fes medress as.
(6) you are allowed uponto theroof.
as it hasall bee n restored at onetimeor
another. The BouInani a Medress a is ope n
daily from 9am to 12 noon and3pmto 6pm.
A O neofthe most original
nOnthe farBorthsideof
C Mostin teresting,perhaps,
D So mew he re in thatdirection
E As is oftenthecasein
F Li ke the one ofthe samename inFe s.
G Ifyouarelookingforrugs tobuy,
11 Tho ughnowherene ar
J In someways. I suppose
KIt'sabo utthe onh·onewhere
B Look againat the contentof the Msk nes text.Whichof the followingdoes the
w rit er mention? Why only these?
a) pe rsonaladventu resand
expe rie nces
h ) archi te ct ure , mosques ,m u seum s
c)layo ut, geography, distances
d ) fou nd ingand originsofthe city
e ) population(size , races,languag e s)
osociety(in dustr y ,johs,politics)
g)theatr e, cinem as,livem usic
h)restau rant s.ho tel s.discos.bars
i) ope ningtimes and admission
j) publictransport
k)place s to watch o rplaysports
I) so unds, s mells,temperatures
m)sho ppingadvice
n) what1I0 ttodo. wherenotto go
CIf y ouwere to write a verybrief to ur ist guideto your town, what would you
include? Use the headi ngsin B tohelp youchoosethe most important
Types of writing • 85