Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1
Letters of complaint: tact • Module6A

37 AcornSt

November 7th
DearMr Scrooge,

I'vebeenyourtenant here forsevenmonths now, and inmany
ways I'mveryhappywiththeflat. Nevertheless, thereareone or
twodetails thatI thinkwe shouldlookat.

Fir~t, the cooker, wh i chappears tobe a significantsafety risk.
It1S avery oldmode l, whi ch s eemsto leakgasconstantly. This
r epresentsa realdanger, on the one handof asphyxiationand on
theotheroffire. Thecooker is, i n fact, notverysatisfactory
1notherrespectsa s we l l - the tworingsare inadequatewhen
cooking forguests , and theoven is no longeroperationalas t he
interior isbeyondcleaning, and thedoor doesn't shut. For
thesereasons, I would suggest that thecookerneeds tobe
replacedatyour earliestconvenience.

Se condl y , theheating, whichatpresentconsists of two one-
kilowatt fires. I seriouslydoubtwhether theseheaters - them-
sel ve s a firerisk a s well asbeingbothinefficientanduneconom-
ical - willprovideadequa t e heating throughthewinterfor a
flat of 35 squaremetre s. I do trustyou willbeable toprovide
t hefla t with adequa t e mea nsof heatingbe f or ewinter sets in.

(lastparagrap hmissin g )

1.4 Writing

Part2 writingtask
You start a new job as a secretaryinyour localbranchof a large but not very
moderncompanyw hose headquarters are in Britain.Everything at yournew
workplace is old- fashioned,and muchof it is either broken or seriously inefficient.
You complainaboutt his to yourimmediate superior, who tellsyou that 'if you
don'tthink we' regood enough for you here'you should writeto the (British)
manager.This answerangers you, and you decide that you will write the letter.
Choose eit hertwoorthree things about the premisesthat you wouldlike
replacedwithmore modern equipmentorfac ilities. Describe the deficiencies and
inadequaciesof the presentequipment/ facilities,suggestreplacements and
explain why the expense wouldbejustified. Writeabout 250words.

  • Remember, you'renew and you're onlyasecretaryin this big company.
    Unlessyou'retactful, youcouldmakeavery bad impressionon yournew
    boss. Conversely, if you can demonstrate the inadequacyof thepresent
    equipmentwithoutgivingoffence, andshowthat the i mprovementswould
    benefit thecompany, this couldbe the start of animp ortantcareer

  • Suggestions for equipment/facitities you wouldlike replaced: furniture,
    lighting, computers, typewriters,photocopiers, heating, air-conditioning,

Tasktypes • 93
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