Unit 6 • Formalletters
1.1 Lookingforajob
You are lookingfor a job where you will have anopportunityto use your English.
A friendsendsyou a cuttingfrom a British newspaper. giving details of two au
pair jobs andtwo in restaurantwork; you also find one advertisementin the local
paper in yourown country. Read through the advertisements. If youhad to
choose one of these jobs, whichwould it be?
OUft ownh a sbeench ose nforourInternational
Summe rCa m pthisyear. Werequire 12SUMMER
HELPERSa ged17-29 wh osh ou ldhave a good
comman d ofEnglishaswellasmas sesofe n ergy
andenthusiasm for wor kin gwit h childrenaged
12 -15 froma ll overtheworld.Thejobis
residential withround-the-clockr espon sibility
forthe successoftheca m p. We alsorequire 4
C OMMUNITYC OOR DI NAT OR S(min. 24yrs,witha
goodknowled geof theregionandproven
organ izational a bi lity)tocoordinatethe sports,
socia landcultura lprogramme s.
Writtena ppli ca ti onsto :WorldStudy Tours,
37 Flan aga n 'sWay ,Cork ,Ireland.
(yourlocalpaper, May7th )
( TheLad y,May Ist)
- S~nsibJeau pairreq uired a.s.a.p.
for sing lewor king mother and two
girls(9& 12 ). London SE19.
Non-s mo ker, driver.Refer ence s.
Anna Lee ,12 HennitageRd.
London SEI9. - Te mporar y au pa irwanted
June - .Sept. Profe ssion al couple,
Cam bn dge. 2boys(6&8).Some
experiencewithchildren desirable.
Ste:eand Dominiq ue , 99Harvey
Smith Avenue,Cam bridgeCB35S1.
HotelAndCa ter in g - Highclass restau ra ntreq uires
full -timegeneralassista nts.
On-the -jobtra ining provided as weJl
as the oppo rtunityto atte ndcol leze
for further ed ucation. If you are l:>
interestedandnot afraidofhard
work,pleasecontact:M r N. Stiles,
TheTurkey,High St. Norw ichN04
6FH. - Gener al assistant req uiredfo r
small2-star family-r un hot el.
Positionoffers experie nceof
waiting , bar and recepti on work.
Goodpay, agreea bleaccomm-
odation.Experience notnecessary,
butsma rtappeara nceandpleasant
mann er esse ntial. Wri te: JeanKerr
RiversideHot el, Keswick CA 12 '
A Readingc omprehension
1 How many different jobs are advertised altogether?
2 What are the abbreviations for 'as soon as possible', 'per annum' ( a year) and
3 You couldsend a CV with yourapplicationto anyof t hesejobs, but for which
twojob applicat ionsis a CVmostnecessary?
4 In abusinessletter, you put thename and addressofthe peopleyou are
writingto on the left, abovet he salutation. I n apersona/letter,youdon'tdo
t his. Whichoft hejob applicationsrequire a personal ratherthan a business
96 • Task types