The Washington Post - 13.03.2020

(lu) #1

the washington post

friday, march 13, 2020


against conservative voters.
It t urns out that “The Hunt,” i ts
detractors and its studio’s at-
tempt to cash in on its notoriety
are all textbook examples of a
colossal self-own: As a remake of
the 1932 people-hunting thriller
“The Most D angerous Game,” t his
tepid iteration uses the ghoulish
premise mostly as an excuse to
trot out increasingly gross rituals
of torture and body horror. Using
the conceit of liberal elites exact-
ing revenge on know-nothing
“deplorables,” the filmmakers
heap plenty of smug, self-amused
scorn on both sides, but there’s n o
doubt who the hero is once the

tables are turned. Tr ying to goad
audiences into multiplexes with
the tag line “Decide for yourself”
seems particularly deluded at a
time when coronavirus and hy-
perpartisan burnout are leading
most viewers to decide to stay
home and cocoon.
It’s doubtful that anyone ven-
turing out to partake of “The
Hunt” will be provoked, much
less offended, by its politics,
which amounts to glib jokes
about snowflakes, NPR and cul-
tural appropriation on one hand,
and climate change denial, “crisis
actors” and the “deep state” on
the other. There’s n ot a MAGA hat

to be found, and the only refer-
ence to President Trump is when
someone refers to an unprintable
epithet in chief. But screenwrit-
ers Damon Lindelof and Nick
Cuse commit precisely the same
sin of reductive thinking and
crude stereotyping when they
make “The Hunt” a crypto-class
war, ignoring the inconvenient
truth that most of the voters who
tipped the election in 2016 were
relatively well-off.
But such hairsplitting is far
beyond the remit of Lindelof and
Cuse, who have crafted “The
Hunt” l ess as a polemic than as an
infantile, pox-on-both-your-
houses rant. The put-downs and
arguments serve only as so much
verbal scaffolding for the film’s
real purpose, which is to shoot,
impale, blow up and otherwise
gruesomely dispatch as many of
its loathsome characters as possi-
ble. Simply put: There are very
vile people on both sides.

The Hunt

Photos by Patti Perret/universal Pictures

R. at area theaters. contains
strong bloody violence, and crude
language throughout. 90 minutes.



he Hunt,” a movie
straining so hard to be
edgily of-the-moment
that it can’t help but be
utterly irrelevant, strives to im-
press viewers with sadistic kill-
ings, oozing viscera and extrava-
gant gushers of blood. But its
most dramatic spectacle might be
the sight of a facile, lazy enter-
prise being hoist on its own
cynical petard.
Originally scheduled for re-
lease in August, “The Hunt” was
pulled in the wake of mass shoot-
ings in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso.
Although we live in a near-con-
stant state of “too-soon” (five
people died at the hands of a
gunman in Milwaukee just two
weeks ago), presumably Univer-
sal deemed March a safe enough
month to slide “The Hunt” i nto
theaters, having tweaked its mar-
keting to embrace the controver-
sy that erupted over the film last
summer, when pundits who
hadn’t seen it yet criticized the
film for glorifying violence

Just a gruesomely, inanely violent film

The lone sympathetic figure in
“The Hunt” i s a cool, preternatu-
rally capable blonde nicknamed
Snowball, cooly played by Betty
Gilpin with studied ennui and a
monotonal Mississippi accent. A
superb problem solver and sure
shot, Snowball manages to es-
cape and evade most of her tor-
mentors until the final half-hour,
when “The Hunt” — a movie that
shows zero respect for the laws of
physics, ballistics or human anat-
omy — goes from irritating to
Competently directed by Craig
Zobel (who made his debut with
the similarly opportunistic “Com-
pliance”), “The Hunt” arrives by
way of Blumhouse Productions,
which has become a reliable des-
tination for horror fans. Although
admirers of extreme violence may
be gratified by the film’s metro-
nomic scenes of graphic mayhem
and gore, anyone looking for
smart social commentary along
with their thrills will be better
served by streaming “Get Out” or
the Purge movies instead. Self-
quarantining can be just what the
doctor ordered, in more ways
than one.
[email protected]

The story about people
hunting people isn’t
really political

ABOVE: Betty Gilpin in
“The Hunt.” Gilpin is
nicknamed Snowball,
and she is the lone
sympathetic figure of the
film. LEFT: From left,
Vince Pisani, Hilary
Swank, Teri Wyble and
Hannah Alline.

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