How was your experience during the ultra?
I loved everything about it! I was happy to step out of my
comfort zone. I realized that things don’t have to be perfect
all the time and that I just needed to adapt, which I did better
than I expected. I loved the fact that I was fully disconnected
from the outside world, it gave me some time to distress. I
enjoyed the race itself and the fact that my mind was in
control, which was a real eye-opener for me. The body was
just a tool, my mind was actually the one that was racing.
What motivated you throughout the journey?
Those who know me would know that I’m a competitive
person by nature and sometimes a sore loser. I wanted to finish
the race with my mind at ease that I had pushed myself to the
limits so I would not have any regrets. I trained hard for it for the
past few months and the race was the time to test myself.
Thanks to Alia, my wife who’s my number one supporter, my
family and friends I was motivated during the training and
they also cheered me on during the race. However, what
motivated me the most was knowing that by finishing this race
I’ll encourage people to donate to support the needy
children looked after by JustWorld. I could imagine thousands
of children’s faces cheering for me at the finish line and it was
this mental image that pushed me forward.
How did you feel when
you finished?
I didn’t realize the
achievement at first.
Finishing 7th on my first
ultramarathon sank in
only a few days later.
While I was still at the
race, all I could feel was
my body aching -
#happydays :) Finishing
7th has actually meant
that I qualify for the Ultra
X World Championship!
What message would you like to share with
others about your experience running the
Ultra-marathon for JustWorld?
Running an ultramarathon is a lot like life - there
are ups and downs. There will be many times
during the run where you will want to give up
and quit and there will also be times when you’re
feeling on top of the world. Remember, it’s a
long race so a setback doesn’t mean that you
can’t get to the finish line. A message that I
would like to share with the children in need
around the world is that they’re running their own
Ultra and the only way to win is to keep fighting,
pushing and moving forward. Always remember
that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Clearly your drive in competing in such an event
reflects your drive to take your business forward.
What are your visions for EIDEAL in 2020?
In 2020, we’re aiming to take the initiative in
leading a Sustainable ethos amongst the
Hairdressing industry and we would like to invite
our Salon Partners to be part of it. We want to
give back and make a difference
while we can. This is in tune with my
personal belief, which is the reason
I ran for JustWorld PB
EIDEAL will be exhibiting on Stand B6 at Professional Beauty GCC 2020 taking place on
February 17 & 18 at Festival Arena. For more information on EIDEAL visit
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