Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

─But how is it that these elements are part of our weak animal body?

On a planet with life, the animal we know as a human being has come with

its technology to confirm that it is the result of a violent act. For

astrophysicists Szabolcs Márka (^) [ 80 ] of Columbia University and Imre
Bartos (^) [ 81 ] of the University of Florida have identified a violent collision

of two neutron stars 4600 million years ago as the likely source of one of

Earth's most coveted materials. The study is entitled "Nearby neutron star

mergers explain the abundance of actinides in the early solar

system“ (^) [ 82 ]. This was a single cosmic event, close to our solar system, that

gave rise to 0. 3 per cent of Earth's heaviest elements, including gold,

platinum and uranium. This means that in each of us we would find a tab of

these elements, mainly in the form of iodine, which is essential for life," said

Bartos. To reach their conclusion, Bartos and Márka compared the

composition of the meteorites with numerical simulations of the Milky Way.

They found that a single neutron-star collision could have occurred about

100 million years before the Earth's formation, in our own neighborhood,

about 1 , 000 light-years from the gas cloud that eventually formed the Solar

System. Our results address a fundamental human quest: where did we come

from and where are we going? It is very difficult to describe the tremendous

emotions we felt when we realized what we had found and what it means for

the future as we search for an explanation of our place in the universe─ said


But returning to the symbolism of gold, and the way in which Western

thought was implanted in schools by The Royal Society, we have to

remember "the five classical Greek ages of man" (^) [ 83 ]. Written in the 8 th

century BC by a shepherd named Hesiod, who along with Homer was one of

the first Greek epic poets. He probably based his work on an unidentified

older legend, possibly from Mesopotamia or Egypt, although this

"creationist idea" (^) [ 84 ] is also not unique to Christianity, many cultures

mythologies it. At the beginning of this text I talked about the way (or ways)

in which death, violence and psychoactive substances have helped us to

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