Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

sharp as razor blades.

Other materials used by hominids are clay and glass, both of which

contain silicon compounds. Clay is made up of a collection of silicates and

was learned to be used for both pottery and construction. There is still not

enough information on how glass technology was discovered or began to be

used, but from archaeological finds, it was probably in Asia Minor before

12000 BC. By 1787 it was assumed that silica was an element; but, in the

same year Lavoisier suggested that this material was an oxide of some other

unknown element. Gay Lussac and Thénard were apparently the first to

produce silicon in 1811 by reduction of silicon fluoride with potassium; but

this is not recognized as the discovery. Berzelius in 1817 reports evidence

of a new element as a precipitate in an iron vessel. In 1823 he obtained it by

reacting potassium fluorosilicate with potassium metal, and by washing the

product with water he obtained a greyish powder which was amorphous

silicon. It was not until 1854 that silicon was obtained repeatedly by

Sainte-Claire Deville, who crystallized this element from electrolysis of

mixtures with chlorinated substances. This process was the origin of two

variants of amorphous silicon (^) [ 88 ].

«Silicon is the substance with the most important density for

the fourth industrial revolution. It is the semiconductor that

underpins the microelectronics industry, the computer

revolution, the information age and other fast-growing areas

revolutionized by modern electronics. Since the third industrial

revolution, silicon has been an important element in many

industrial processes. Silicon dioxide (sand and clay) is an

important constituent of concrete and bricks and is used in the

production of Portland cement.»

«So because of its semiconducting properties, its use in

the manufacture of transistors, solar cells and all kinds of

semiconductor devices is already part of our culture. So any

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