Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

attempt to call technological development "Satanism“[ 89 ] is a

failure, it is ignorance of the history of mankind itself. The

Arabs (who inhabited Europe) who practiced alchemy were

persecuted in the Middle Ages. While the Vatican imposed the

teaching of the Latin language to control scientific advances

and to create the history of humanity on the basis of the history

of Christianity.»

But it was not until the advent of "The Royal Society" that alchemy

could be disseminated, dividing into the teaching of chemistry and physics.

Nowadays China in the field of "genetic modification", under the research

of the biophysicist He Jianku (贺建奎) (^) [ 90 ] has surpassed the vision of "Sir
Robert Moray" (The Invisible College) (^) [ 91 ]. This is why a technophobic

discourse is driven by digital social media platforms, whose algorithms are

managed by various developments in artificial intelligence.

Historically progressive thinking, as well as attempts to use

philosophy to explain metaphysics and physics in astrology, astronomy, the

cosmos and the universe are not only approaches of Nikolai Fyodorovich

Fyodorov (Никола́й Фёдорович Фёдорович Фёдоров). The possibility of

other worlds and life forms inside and outside our Solar System were already

part of the work "De L'Infinito Universo E Mondi" from 1584. Where

Giordano Bruno manifests his conception of the infinity of reality:

“And this space is what we call the infinite, because there

is no reason, capacity, possibility, sense or nature that must limit

it. There are infinite worlds similar to this one and no different

from it in its type, because there is no reason or defect of natural

capacity (I am referring both to passive and active power) by

which, just as they exist in this space that surrounds us, they

should not equally exist in the other space that by its nature is

no different or diverse from this.“ (^) [Giordano Bruno, Fifth Dialogue]

“There are therefore innumerable suns; there are

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