Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

The cave on the one hand, and the wild

environment on the other, where primitive beings,

almost animals, inhabit and make use of basic

customs: - hunting, eating, fornicating and murdering-.

These actions, (nowadays strange) governed by the

only law established by nature itself, which they try to

dominate, where the other savages are strangers who

live outside their space delimited and fortified first by

a cave. Rationally, it seems impossible for the theory

of "classical Creationism" up to the "ancient

astronaut hypothesis", that there is no good reason to

expect that human beings, (whose physiology has

hardly changed since the Stone Age), could adapt to

the environment and develop technology for common

use and subsequently be a means of barter. The Stone

Age was the first test of adapting to a lifestyle far

removed from our radically altered habitat.

Le Musée National de la Préhistoire https://www.francethisway.com/images/stories/musee-national-de-

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