Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

«Each time the electrical circuit of gratification is

activated by the wave frequencies, the Shaman's

brain senses that something important is happening

that he must remember and teaches him to repeat it

over and over again. - Without thinking about it, is

the first Shaman also the first addict or the first


UHPLC-HRMS results from the analyses of alkaloid standards at 1000 pg/μL and of one of the three
replicated hair samples from the cave of Es Càrritx ( 10. 1 mg). Alkaloids were monitored at
m/z = 290. 175 (atropine), m/z = 304. 155 (scopolamine) and m/z = 166. 123 (ephedrine). From: Direct
evidence of the use of multiple drugs in Bronze Age Menorca (Western Mediterranean) from human
hair analysis https://www.nature.com/articles/s 41598 - 023 - 31064 - 2 /figures/ 5 ,

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