Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

Therianthropy': adjective From Greek therion wild animal + anthropos man. The mythological ability of
human beings to metamorphose into animals by means of shape shifting.

With regard to masks, in particular, influences are frequent and sometimes go beyond the formal level.
Beyond aesthetic considerations, Zamble is interesting in more than one respect because it constitutes a
hinge between profane masks that depend on artists' associations and sacred masks. Zamble, like the
sacred examples, is under the care of a family responsible for its worship, but the success of its
performances and the public recognition of its wearer's identity also places it in the category of more
secular masks of entertainment. http://www.facebook.com/Utminfos/photos/historiquezamble-est-un-des-
la/ 586637388728392 /?paipv= 0 &eav=AfbhOt 4 y 4 kzNqST 9 YyAz 7 WbMLVGPvIde 0 n 1 nLccRlaNHDTxbQ-
agWn 9 GdvVWh 8 uG 4 js&_rdr

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