Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

differentiated purchasing capacities, the greater role of large international

industrial and financial corporations in stock exchanges (initiating a process

of Telematic integration), the international organization of trade unions for

a division of labour, and the change in the role attributed to knowledge in

public education.

But why do I mention the above? It is to specifically address the

qualitative leap that sexuality has made in EVOLUTION, because sexuality

has accompanied the development of humanity, whether in a loving or

violent way, to create links between societies. In the history of humanity,

sexuality is understood as a great variety of new experiences, new ways of

naming and representing ourselves in the universe of satisfaction, as well as

new ways of understanding ourselves.

Perhaps what is new is that the consumption of sexuality has

become a global event involving socio-digital practices such as

"OnlyFans", those identifications and reveries, which therefore encompass

the entire internet experience of millions of users. It is a global fact that

takes over the spaces and times of solitary individuals, much more so than

pre-internet media such as print, television and cinema. Calling from

philosophy to eroticism and art, requires to place ourselves in the

representations of everyday life in the caves, where sexuality is free, it is a

natural act, it is an activity where the moral value of good and/or evil does

not exist.

In the history of art, images full of sexual acts are proposed. To this

day, the most famous photographers continue to use the female figure as a

suggestive image or with an oblique gaze. And during this century, this

representation of the feminine has been enriched by transsexuality, by the

3 - second moving image in TikTok, by a plea to Artificial Intelligence. In

the pictorial representations that have been found in caves, this sexual

energy is real, although it retains the capacity to give means to the

collective imagination, it exalts our senses, these representations - of which

we know little - never cease to be contemplated or to amaze us.

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