Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

"El camarín de las vulvas, en las cuevas de Tito Bustillo". The Tito Bustillo Cave is one of the world's
cave paintings of Paleolithic art. http://www.centrotitobustillo.com/

«So within the approach of my hypothesis I could affirm that:

The Shaman discovered that sexuality served to find balance

in the cave age, as well as key substances in brain activities

linked to reward and pleasure. Sex is a complement in this

dynamic determined by dopamine discharges (^) [ 16 ]. So our
bodies are always trying to maintain homeostasis (^) [ 17 ], a

condition related to bodily equilibrium.»

«One of the points of this state is the middle ground

between pleasure and pain. So whoever controls psychoactive

substances and sex, can create the fictions, the images that try

to be of real appearances, where everything is in sight, where

facts are not manipulated, because otherwise they would be


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