Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

Different perspectives of the giant deer bone found in the Unicorn Cave in Germany. Photo: V. Minkus
(NLD) https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/medio/ 2021 / 07 / 07 /diferentes-perspectivas-del-hueso-
de-ciervo-gigante-hallado-en-la-cueva-del-unicornio-en-alemania 67 bfa 9 f 9 1000 x 374 .jpeg

with a pointed stylus. Once engraved, they were fired in the sun or in kilns.

Tablet D 714 , in particular, contains a text pertaining to the sale of a plot of

land, in which the name of the god Enlil 'Lord of the Wind', the main deity

of the city of Nippur, also appears repeatedly. Entire administrative

archives and tablet libraries have given us a vivid and direct picture of the

historical and political vicissitudes, social and economic organization,

mythology and religion of the peoples of Mesopotamia, western Iran,

Turkey and Syria. Thanks to the syllabic character of the signs, cuneiform,

born to write Sumerian, was in fact used from the middle of the 3 rd

millennium BC by the Semitic language of the new inhabitants of

Mesopotamia, the Akkadians. It was subsequently used by Babylonian,

Amorite, Aramaic, Assyrian (Semitic languages and dialects), as well as

Hittite (an Indo-European language) and Hurrian (an agglutinating

language that is difficult to classify).

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