Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

[ 10 ]What is Technological Disruption? A situation that

breaks the mould of the established with a plea for innovative
originality that disrupts and changes the future of human
development by redirecting the impulse of creativity in a new
direction. The irruption of a technology that inevitably opens
up a new path among the monotony of the dominant
technology. It redirects research and development towards
unexplored paths that lead to the appearance of new products
and services.

[ 11 ], [ 11 a]For Dr. Daniel Estulin, the supplanting of

consciousness through technology deconstructs human
beings, who are increasingly aware of their paradoxes, but
who do not quite understand that this process is also part of a
new mental programming linked to artificial mechanisms that
will drive the entry into the sixth technological paradigm.
Although he claims that it is a pre-designed process driven
by a Cryptocracy, which so far has not been implemented, as
few countries are fully integrated into the fourth industrial
revolution. TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human
Deconstruction. Daniel Estulin. This edition Format: 368
pages, Paperback. Published: January 22 , 2014 by Trine Day.
ISBN: 9781937584771 (ISBN 10 : 1937584771 ) Language:
English https://danielestulin.kartra.com/page/NKt 7

[ 12 ]Transmutation: Tb. transmutation. From lat.

transmutatio, - ōnis. F. The action and effect of transmuting.
https://dle.rae.es/transmutaci%C 3 %B 3 n?m=form

[ 13 ]The term Transhumanism was introduced by Julian

Huxley, in his work "New Bottles for New Wine" published
in 1957. In it, J. Huxley states that man must "transcend
himself" and considered Transhumanism as "a new ideology"
appropriate to man's new situation. As a writer and
philosopher, his essays represent the first formal staging of
Transhumanism. His humanistic and scientific ideas develop
a hermeneutic of evolutionism and technology that underpins
transhumanist ideals. In 1923 he published "Essays of a
Biologist", where he reflected on his particular vision of
humanism: "the possibility of physiological improvement, of
a better combination of the existing psychic faculties, of
raising the present faculties of man to new heights, and even
the discovery of new faculties, none of this is vain utopia, but
will come if science continues its present progress". Huxley
sought to combine evolutionism and humanism for the moral
justification of the control of biological evolution proposed
by the polymath Francis Galton. An ideal that would allow
the human being to be authentically master of his nature,

without depending on his bodily limitations.
https://archive.org/details/newbottlesfornew 00 huxl/mode/ 2 up?

[ 14 ]Spirituality The state and nature of spirits, abstracted

from all material ideas. Spirituality. Psychology Spirituality
of the soul. That perfection which is the essential property or
attribute of the human soul, by which it is spiritual. Spiritual
is opposed to material, and means that which is distinguished
from or independent of matter. It should be noted, however,
that the adjective spiritual can have two meanings. One is
that which is given to it in Asceticism and Mysticism, when
it signifies by this word that which in some way pertains or
refers to the perfecting of man in order to attain holiness and
his ultimate supernatural end. In this meaning, the adjective
spiritual comes to signify the same as ascetic, mystical or
supernatural, and this is the meaning it has in locutions,
spiritual life, spiritual director, counsels, talks, spiritual
readings, Christian spirituality, &c., &c., &c. It is not this
meaning of the word spirituality that we propose to explain
here, but the philosophical, or rather the psychological
meaning, which is undoubtedly the primitive one, from
which the ascetic or mystical one has been derived. In order
to do this, it is convenient to set forth, in the first place, the
exact notion of the spiritual being, and the state of the
question concerning this problem, which has been topical at
all times of history, as being of the greatest importance, not
only for the speculations of psychological science, but also
for the practice of the life of mankind as a whole. Secondly,
we shall critically propose the main reasons of the authors
who have decided in favour of the negative, who are those
who profess Materialism. Finally, we shall conclude by
briefly indicating the main arguments put forward by
Spiritualism, mainly Christian Spiritualism.
https://www.filosofia.org/enc/eui/e 220286 .htm

[ 15 ]Gramsci creator of the concept. The term Fordism was

coined by the theorist Antonio Gramsci, who used it in the
very title of his essay Americanism and Fordism, included in
his Notebooks from Prison. Gramsci also excelled in various
fields, such as philosophy, politics and journalism, and his
writings deal with sociology, linguistics, anthropology and
politics. In addition, he is considered one of the promoters of
the Italian Communist Party and was imprisoned during the
regime of Benito Mussolini. By using the assembly line to
make assembly line production possible, Ford succeeded in
starting to manufacture a large number of cars at low cost.
This method required many skilled workers using machines
and performing repetitive tasks.
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