Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

[ 30 ]Definition of Technological Disruption. This term,

Disruption, was normally used in the economic sphere to
define an event that changes the rules of the market game
and directly affects society as a whole. However, it began to
be directly related to technology when in 1997 Clayton M.
Christensen, professor at Harvard Business School Press
published his article "The Innovator's Dilemma" and how
"When new technologies cause big business to fail" where a
novel product, or an emerging technology, can disrupt an
entire established and dominant industry. Where emerging
companies, which develop emerging technologies, end up
becoming leaders and expelling from the market others that
were already dominant and well-established by not adapting
and innovating. Hence the term disruption, in the sense of an
abrupt break or interruption in the market. A change in the
rules of the game. In relation to the latter, we should also
remember the concept of "Creative Destruction" by the
Austrian Joseph Schumpeter, to describe his theories on the
way in which entrepreneurship works as a stimulus to the
capitalist system.

[ 31 ]Milton Friedman is an American economist born in

New York in 1912. After training at the Universities of
Chicago and Columbia, he became a professor at the
University of Chicago in 1948 and died in 2006. He is the
most important economist of the so-called monetarists. He
has an extensive catalogue of works dedicated to the study of
economics. Among them, the most important are: A
Programme for Monetary Stability and Banking Reform,
Capitalism and Freedom, Currency and Development and
Price Theory. https://economipedia.com/definiciones/milton-
friedman- 2 .html

[ 32 ]These texts are taken from Ricardo Soca's books “La

fascinante historia de las palabras” and “Nuevas fascinantes
historias de las palabras”. Copyright 2002 - 2007. All
published texts are registered in the name of Ricardo Soca,
copyright holder. Reproduction by any process whether on
paper or by digital means and the Internet, and its use on
radio or television, as well as any other process provided for
in the Universal Copyright Convention, which protects this
work, is strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted.

[ 33 ]Isotopic signatures and hereditary traits: snapshot of a

Neolithic community in Germany. Published online by
Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2015. Hide author
details: R. Alexander Bentley. Department of Anthropology,
Durham University, 43 Old Elvet, Durham DH 1 3 HN, UK.

Joachim Wahl. RP Stuttgart, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege,
Osteologie, Stromeyersdorfstraße 3 , D- 78467 , Konstanz,
Germany. T. Douglas Price. Department of Anthropology,
University of Wisconsin, 1180 Observatory Dr., Madison,
WI 53706 - 1393 , USA. Tim C. Atkinson. Department of
Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street,
London WC 1 E 6 BT, UK. Extract: A group of
Linearbandkeramik people at Talheim, Germany were
previously found to have died at the same time, probably in a
massacre, and the authors were able to ask some searching
questions of their skeletons. The isotope signatures of
strontium, oxygen anqued carbon, which gave information
on diet and childhood region, showed up three groups which
correlated with hereditary traits (derived previously from the
analysis of the teeth). In the local group, there were many
local children but no adult women, suggesting they had been
selectively taken alive at the time of the massacre. Another
group, with isotope signatures derived from upland areas,
includes two men who may have been closely related. A
third group has a composition suggestive of a nuclear family.
The variations of one type of isotope signature with another
suggested subtle interpretations, such as transhumance, and a
probable labour division in the community between
stockholders and cultivators. Here we see the ever-growing
potential of these new methods for writing the biographies’
of prehistoric skeletons.
c o m m u n i t y - i n -
germany/ 35 C 6 CCFB 7 F 0 B 3 B 6 B 2 CCB 647833 B 5792 F

[ 34 ]Journal of science 1864. The reputed fossil man of the

Neanderthal, William King. Published in Quarterly journal of
science, in 1864 , in volume 1 , pages 88 - 97. Date published:
1864. BHL: 15275223. https://biostor.org/reference/ 195152

[ 35 ]The Qadan culture ( 13 , 000 - 9 , 000 BC) was an ancient

culture that, archaeological evidence suggests, originated in
Upper Egypt (present day south Egypt) approximately
15 , 000 years ago. This way of life is estimated to have
persisted for approximately 4 , 000 years, and was
characterized by hunting, as well as a unique approach to
food gathering that incorporated the preparation and
consumption of wild grasses and grains. Systematic efforts
were made by the Qadan people to water, care for, and
harvest local plant life, but grains were not planted in ordered
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[ 36 ]New insights on interpersonal violence in the Late

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