from Alchemy to Transhumanism volumen 0

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1
The statement "Intelligence
is the power of
combination" is a summary
of Hermann Ebbinghaus's
work, particularly in the
context of his research on
memory and learning. While
Ebbinghaus is not primarily associated with the
study of intelligence, his ideas about the power of
combining and linking information have broader
implications for our understanding of cognitive
abilities, including intelligence.

Ebbinghaus is renowned for his pioneering work on
the learning curve, the forgetting curve, and the
concept of meaningful associations in memory. His
research demonstrated that people are more likely
to remember information that is meaningful or can
be linked to existing knowledge.

Here's how Ebbinghaus's idea of "the power of
combination" can be related to intelligence:

1. **Connection and Synthesis:** Intelligence often
involves the ability to make connections, recognize
patterns, and synthesize information from various
sources. Ebbinghaus's research suggests that when
individuals can combine new information with their
existing knowledge or experiences, they are more
likely to understand and remember it effectively.

2. **Problem-Solving:** Problem-solving, a key
aspect of intelligence, often requires the ability to
combine and manipulate information to arrive at a
solution. Intelligent individuals excel at finding
novel and effective ways to combine information to

Intelligence is the power of combination,


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