from Alchemy to Transhumanism volumen 0

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1
Daniel J. Goleman is an
American psychologist and
science journalist who is
best known for his work on
emotional intelligence (EI).
He popularized the concept
of emotional intelligence
through his books and research, particularly his
groundbreaking book titled "Emotional Intelligence:
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ," published in
1995. Here are the key points related to Daniel
Goleman and emotional intelligence:

1. **Definition of Emotional Intelligence:**
Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence refers
to the ability to recognize, understand, manage,
and use one's own emotions effectively, as well as
the ability to recognize, understand, and influence
the emotions of others. It encompasses skills such
as empathy, self-awareness, emotional regulation,
and social skills.

2. **Research and Popularization:** Goleman's
book "Emotional Intelligence" was instrumental in
bringing the concept of emotional intelligence to a
wide audience. He synthesized research from
psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral sciences
to argue that EI was a crucial factor in personal and
professional success.

3. **Components of Emotional Intelligence:**
Goleman identified five components or domains of
emotional intelligence:

─Self-awareness: The ability to recognize and
understand one's own emotions.

Daniel J. Goleman, emotional intelligence

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