from Alchemy to Transhumanism volumen 0

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1
"The Hard Problem of
Consciousness" is a term
coined by philosopher David
Chalmers to describe one of
the most challenging and
enduring questions in
philosophy and cognitive
science: the problem of explaining how and why
conscious experience arises from physical processes
in the brain. This problem goes beyond the scope of
understanding interactions in the brain and has
implications for both human and artificial

Here's how the Hard Problem of Consciousness
relates to interactions, human intelligence, and
artificial intelligence:

1. **Understanding Interactions in the Brain**:

  • Neuroscientists study the brain's interactions at
    various levels, from neurons and synapses to neural
    networks. They seek to understand how these
    interactions give rise to cognitive processes such as
    perception, memory, and decision-making.

2. **The Gap in Understanding Consciousness**:

  • While there has been significant progress in
    understanding the neural mechanisms underlying
    various cognitive functions, there remains a
    significant gap in our understanding of how these
    physical processes give rise to subjective conscious
    experiences—what it's like to see, feel, or be

  • The Hard Problem of Consciousness focuses on
    why and how certain physical processes in the brain
    are accompanied by conscious experiences.

David Chalmers, "The Hard Problem of


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