from Alchemy to Transhumanism volumen 0

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

computer systems to perform tasks that typically
require human intelligence.

Machine learning is one of the fundamental forms of
AI, where algorithms are designed to enable
computers to learn from data and improve their
performance over time. This form of AI is commonly
used in applications such as image recognition,
speech processing, and recommendation systems.
Natural language processing (NLP) is another form of
AI that focuses on enabling computers to
understand and interpret human language. NLP is
essential for applications like virtual assistants,
chatbots, and language translation tools. Robotics,
often referred to as embodied AI, combines AI with
physical machines, allowing them to interact with
the physical world. Robotics has diverse applications,
ranging from industrial automation to healthcare
and exploration. These various forms of AI work
together to create intelligent systems that can solve
complex problems, automate tasks, and enhance
human capabilities.

3 .The role of human intelligence in the development
and functioning of artificial intelligence

Human intelligence plays a critical role in the
development and functioning of artificial
intelligence (AI). While AI systems are designed to
mimic human intelligence, they heavily rely on
human input for their creation and improvement. AI
algorithms and models are developed by human
experts who possess the necessary domain
knowledge and expertise. These experts define the
objectives, problem space, and provide the
necessary data for AI systems to learn from. Human
intelligence is crucial in training AI systems, as
humans need to label and annotate data to create
training sets. Additionally, human oversight is
essential to ensure the ethical use of AI technologies
and prevent biased or harmful outcomes. Human
intelligence also contributes to the ongoing

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