Diabetic Living Summer 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Editor’s Letter


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Yours in health,

[email protected]


AADE American Association
of Diabetes Educators
ADA American Diabetes Association
CDE certified diabetes educator
CGM continuous glucose monitor
PWD person with diabetes
PWDs people with diabetes
RD/RDN registered dietitian/
registered dietitian nutritionist

I began setting reminders for
myself to move throughout
the day. They were just little
nudges: pop-up notifications
that I’d see every hour or so,
reminding me that although I
consider myself a fairly active
person, I still work at a desk
job that has me sitting (or
standing) in one place for
long stretches of time.
I made no promises to
stick to a certain schedule,
no formal goals about how
much movement to get. I
just committed to noticing
the reminders. And I’ve
been surprised by how well
they work. More often than
not, when they pop up, I’ll
stretch, refill my water, walk
over to talk to a co-worker, or
go outside for a lap around
the block.
Our workout in this issue
(page 27) is designed to help
you set your own move-more
reminders. The goal: Notice
those times when you’ve
maybe been in one spot for
a little too long, then decide
when and how you want to
move. Some of the exercises,
like the Seated Knee Lift, are
designed for you to sneak
in at a desk without anyone
noticing. Others, like the
Bear Crawl, are a little more
involved, and maybe better
suited to home. Unless you’re
a little daring.
Which, I like to think,
from time to time I am. So

to challenge myself, one
particular evening when I
was working late and most of
the office had gone home, I
got down on the floor on my
hands and knees. Right in the
center of the office, out in the
open. And I did it: I put one
hand in front of the other and
slowly bear crawled my way
back to my desk. And it felt
great. So great, in fact, that a
few minutes later I got down
again and did another set.
There’s something rebel-
lious about moving when
you aren’t supposed to, about
putting your own needs be-
fore office decorum—and
those pesky cultural stan-
dards that equate productiv-
ity with sitting in one place
for hours at a time. I don’t
think I’ll see our whole office
break out into spontaneous
exercise anytime soon, but I
do think it would make me
smile to see our staff taking
stretch breaks (or Bear Crawl
breaks!) with the moves on
these pages.
Are you daring enough to
try our workout at your office
or at home? I’d love to hear
about it. Heck, I’d love to
hear about all your summer-
time activity, whether that’s
trying a few new exercises at
home or venturing out for a
sunshine-filled weekend of
adventure. Be in touch—and
enjoy being active! I know I
will all summer long.

Earlier this year, I started
an experiment:

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