
(Joyce) #1
issue 4. 2020 | golf digest 107

did you stay in augusta
after the win? I gave out tro-
phies to the Drive, Chip
and Putt winners alongside Pat-
rick Reed the next day.
Then that afternoon I flew
to New York with Maria,
and we were on the “Today”
show and Jimmy Fallon, and
then I had to go back to class.
Going back to campus, I was
trying to balance school and
golf and get back to being with
my team, but with so many me-

dia requests it was hard.
I had no idea what was going
to happen or how to prepare
for it. It all came in a rush. Try-
ing to practice and get ready
[for the ACC Championships
two weeks later], and do ev-
erything I needed to do to be
ready, was definitely a battle.
But it was so cool to see how
the tournament blew up.

● ● ●
what did the win mean to
you? It was huge. Obviously,
I still had college tournaments
left, but it was the end of my
amateur golf and then the
beginning of my professional

career, marking me moving on
from one section of my life to
another. It really helped me be
comfortable playing in front of
crowds, and it helped me calm
my nerves under pressure.
● ● ●
what do you think it
meant for women’s golf?
It was a great display for
younger girls, whether they’re
participating in golf already or
just watching it on television
because their parents have

it on. For them to see the
way everything played out,
the friendship that Maria
and I have, it really encourages
girls to pick up a club. To
see us be able to do it on the
biggest stage, Augusta
National, was huge.
● ● ●
have you been back since
the tournament? I haven’t.
It’d be cool to go and relive
all those memories and walk
down the fairways again.
I’ve watched the coverage
a couple times. It’s crazy

watching it—to see what the
cameras see, and know what
I was thinking during specific
shots or moments, it’s surreal.
● ● ●
did you learn something
at augusta that has
helped you transition
into professional golf?
I went in relaxed. I realize
now that was a big part in
my success. I used to go into
tournaments stressed out,
focusing on things that were
going wrong. At ANWA, I
was just experiencing it and
having fun. That’s one of the
big things that I’ve carried over
to my professional career. If
something doesn’t go right,
I know I’ll figure it out and make
it up in another part of my game.

This year’s augusta national
women’s amateur will be
played April 1-2 at champions
retreat before the final round
April 4 at augusta national,
followed by the drive, chip
and putt finals April 5
and the masters April 9-12.






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