
(Joyce) #1
48 golf digest | issue 4. 2020 Photographs by J.D. Cuban

“Which of these looks like

I’m going to hit a good one?”

Play The Leading Edge by Michael Breed

Fast Arms, Slow Hands

Do what the pros do for better impact


et me explain that
headline, because last
I checked, the hands
are attached to the arms. But
I want you to separate them in
your mind for a minute. Good
players swing their arms down
at a high rate of speed, which
gets the body turning in
support (above, right). Poor
players often let their hands,
mainly the trail hand, take
over during the downswing.
That instinct to use the hands

like you play

▶ With the spring
season here, it’s
a good time to
review how you
practice. Do you
work on things
that translate to
better play? Don’t
just bang drivers
into a wide-open
range or chip to one
flag from perfect
lies. Your practice
should simulate
playing golf.
Take the driver.
I want you to
practice hitting
wild slices and
hooks, so you get a
feel for what makes
the ball curve.
Change your grip,
swing to the left,
swing to the right.
Then figure out
what you need to do
to take away some
curve. For slicers,
that might mean
a stronger grip
or making more
body turn during
the backswing.
Do some self-
discovery. You’ll be
better equipped to
fix those curveballs
on the course.

▶ For more practice
tips that simulate
play, check out
my video series
“Michael Breed’s
Playbook” on Golf
Digest Schools at

slows down the arm swing and
inhibits body movement
(above, left). The result: less
power and control.
So let’s get back to fast
arms, slow hands. Get it right,
and the shaft leans forward
at impact for a downward
strike that compresses the
ball. You also get centerface
contact with the face squaring
naturally, as opposed to
too much trail-hand action,
which can rotate the face
closed too early or flip it
upward through impact.

In short, when the arms lead,
it means better contact, less
curve and more distance.
Here’s a great swing
thought: Make your lead arm
beat the clubhead to the ball,
with your lead wrist flat or even
a little bowed. That’s how you
keep the hands passive and put
maximum punch into the shot.
—with peter morrice

michael breed is Golf Digest’s
Chief Digital Instructor.
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