2020-04-08_Autocar video and link

(Joyce) #1


ntil a few weeks ago,

buying a car online

appeared to offer one

major advantage over

physically buying it

from a dealer: convenience. Now you

can add one more: safeguarding your

health. If you must buy a car at this

time, doing so remotely has much to

commend it.

Bu y i n g on l i ne h a s b e e n a r ou nd for

years but is given extra prominence

when, from time to time, a car maker

or new player in the market launches

its own platform, as Hyundai did in

2 017 w it h C l ic k t o Bu y. Joh n Fr e e l ,

one of its first customers, is full of

praise for the new service. “I can’t be

bothered going into showrooms and I

don’t like being pressurised,” he says.

“I d id it at w ork w he n t h i n gs w e r e

quieter and then thought: ‘Fine,

I’m just going to go for it and click.’”

Convenience and lack of sales

pressure: Freel put his finger on why

buying a car online, directly from the

manufacturers or via services such

our sister brand What Car?’s New Car

Buying, is popular. We could name a

third reason: fixed, no-haggle prices.

Apparently, most people don’t like

negotiating. I personally enjoy it and,

in any case, you owe it to yourself to

get the price best possible. As you chip

away, you test the seller’s confidence

in their prices and you may find all

sorts of extras are thrown in. That

said, it would take a pretty ruthless

haggler to achieve some of the

online savings we quote in our price

comparison box on the opposite page.

All the same, as you would with a

dealer, do shop around when buying

online. Compare prices, including

any additional fees and charges,

before clicking. You wouldn’t be

the first person to pay more for that

fixed-price car than someone else.


Freel also talked about convenience.

It ’s t r ue t h at bu y i n g a c a r at w ork i n


Dealerships are closed and he’s stuck at home, so John Evans goes car shopping online

How to buy a car during a pandemic

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