2020-04-08_Autocar video and link

(Joyce) #1

machines mean there now seems to

b e a ple a s a nt de g r e e of c h at t i ne s s

through the thick rim of its wheel.

Nor do I remember the shift action

of the six-speed manual being so

slick and accurate, the TT being one

of those cars that encourages you

to change gear even when you don’t

r e a l l y ne e d t o. I n t e r m s of r aw pa c e ,

it ’s s t i l l mor e t h a n f a s t e nou g h t o

k e e p t he mo de r n T T hone s t.

Our Mk3 comes from the bottom

of the range, a front-wheel-drive

19 4bhp 2 .0 -l it r e , i nt e nde d t o pr ov ide

context rather than thrills. Yet I’m

s o on ple a s e d t h at A ud i s e nt it r at he r

t h a n one of it s mor e p ot e nt mo de l s ,

because it shows how the TT has

matured over the years. Sitting on the

Volkswagen Group’s ubiquitous MQB

platform means the current car is

t aut e r a nd i s muc h mor e r e f i ne d , w it h

a keener front end and markedly less

roll. It feels bigger and more grown-

up, simply because it is – a point
m a de b y a g l a nc e i nt o t he ba c k

and at the almost-usable rear seats.

But despite a dual-clutch gearbox

in place of the tactile challenge of a

manual, there’s still a pleasure to be

had in driving at everyday pace; it’s

not always goading you to go faster.

There’s lots of intelligence in the

third-generation TT, too, unlike the

l a c k lu s t r e M k 2 (s e e b ox , le f t). It w a s

never going to have the impact of

the original and it didn’t try to be a

tribute act for its famous predecessor

  • rather clever in its own right. I

still like the idea of its decluttered

interior, where the only screen is the

digital instrument display behind the

steering wheel and there’s no glaring

distraction on top of the dashboard.

It’s a handsome, desirable car.

It ’s a l s o a r e m i nde r t h at t he b ot t om

of the range has always made more

sense than the top. There have been

f a s t e r T Ts , a nd s ome of t he m h av e

been pretty good, but they’ve always

served to emphasise how far Audi’s
natively front-driven coupé is from

being a purpose-built sports car.

Spiritually, the TT is closer to a hot

hatch, one that offers desirability and

modest excitement at an affordable

pr ic e. A s s uc h , it ’s a l mo s t a l at t e r- d ay

Ford Capri – and yes, that is intended

to be a compliment. If Audi does

replace it with something, whether

t h at ’s a n E V or a c r e at ion e v e n

more radical, that new car will

have a mighty challenge to match

its rational-emotional appeal. L




It’s still more than fast enough

to keep the modern TT honest


Unique cockpit

layout still seems

an excellent idea

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