2020-04-08_Autocar video and link

(Joyce) #1



Polestar 1

Whether or not Polestar has just become the first

Chinese brand present here depends on both your

v ie w of mo de r n MG a nd w he t he r y ou lo ok mor e t o

Polestar’s headquarters in Gothenburg or factory

in Luqiao. The brand has an odd heritage, starting

as a Swedish Touring Car Championship team,

being bought by Volvo and then transformed into a

maker of luxury electrified cars by Geely of China.


Cupra Ateca


DS 3


Infiniti G37, EX and FX

Despite being launched in the same year as Lexus,

1989, Ni s s a n’s lu x u r y m a rque d id n’t a r r i v e i n t he

UK until September 2009, when the first Infiniti

de a le r sh ip w a s op e ne d i n R e a d i n g. It a r r i v e d w it h

a full line-up: the G37 saloon, coupé and cabriolet

alongside a pair of SUVs, the EX and FX. Latterly,

big hopes were placed on the Mercedes A-Class-

based Q30 family hatchback, but this f lopped,

le a d i n g I n f i n it i t o pu l l out of Eu r op e l a s t y e a r.


Te s l a Ro a d s te r


Smart City Coupé

The origins of Smart stretch back to 1982, when a

stylish two-seat city car was dreamed up by the CEO

of Swiss watchmaker Swatch. A deal for production

was signed with Volkswagen in 1991, but it started

h av i n g doub t s a nd s o t e r m i n at e d t he c ont r a c t i n

  1. S w at c h t he n si g ne d up w it h Da i m le r, w h ic h

brought the Smart City Coupé to market in 1998.

L H D mo de l s w e r e s old i n t he U K f r om O c t ob e r

2000, before RHD cars arrived 12 months later.


Daewoo Nexia

and Espero


Saab 96


Mazda 110S


Honda S800

Honda had already achieved genuine success in

this land by the time its first car arrived in January

1967; its excellent motorcycles had been available

here since 1961. Honda’s first four-wheeled

m a c h i ne t o b e i mp or t e d w a s t he S80 0 s p or t s c a r,

which undercut Britain’s own Triumph Spitfire

on pr ic e. T he Japa ne s e f i r m fol low e d t h i s up w it h

a series of economical two-door saloons, before

its big break came with the original Civic in 1973.





Toyot a Co ro n a

The first notable Japanese entry came that October,

from Toyota. It made its debut with the (now
rather unfortunately named) Corona in its third-

ge ne r at ion s a lo on a nd e s t at e for m s. A r ou nd 10 0

were sold in the first year. Toyota had 85 dealers

signed up by the end of 1967, and real success came

shortly after with the arrival of the smaller Corolla.


Daihatsu Compagno

The first of the Japanese companies, whose

excellence would play a key role in the large-scale
demise of our manufacturing sector, was not a

well-known one. Daihatsu’s Compagno two-door

saloon was sold from one London dealership,

beginning in early 1965. However, at £280 more

t h a n t he A u s t i n M i n i , it m a n a ge d t o s e l l a n

embarrassing six examples over five years.


The Audi

T he h i s t or y of A ud i i s r at he r c ompl ic at e d. It w a s

e s t a bl i she d i n 1910 but me r ge d w it h DK W, Hor c h

a nd Wa nde r e r i n 1932 t o for m A ut o Un ion. T h i s

company resumed after the war and was bought by

Daimler-Benz in 1959 but, due to the diminishing

popularity of its two-stroke products, it was soon

off loaded to the Volkswagen Group. Wolfsburg

pr omp t l y r e l au nc he d t he h i s t or ic A ud i f i r m , it s

first car being a reworked DKW advertised simply

as the Audi. Just 32 examples were sold in 1965; a

far cry from the 160,000 or so premium cars today.




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