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The DVLA’s system for retaining a car’s

plate is quite clear, if quite complicated


Would a Q put you

off a potential



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20 July 1974


Matt Prior

Restomods ought to keep their old plates








emember Q registration

plates? This country’s

vehicle licensing agency,
the DVLA, issues these

t o v e h ic le s ‘ w ho s e a ge or ide nt it y i s

in doubt’.

I believe a sizeable number of the

British home-working population

currently qualify.

You u s e d t o k now w h at a Q -pl at e

meant: some shiny new components

had arrived in someone’s garage and

been placed alongside a photocopied

set of vague instructions and a

broken Ford Cortina.

Several summers later, these

and some other used parts would

b e u n it e d , d i l i ge nt l y or ot he r w i s e ,

following a build process that

culminated in something

resembling a car – albeit not

necessarily an attractive one.

That was taken to a test centre

and given a Q front and rear. But

a kit car’s value was, and I believe

remains, higher if you could avoid

the dreaded plate.

I f e v e r y t h i n g i n a s e l f-bu i ld i s

new, a car can be given a current

registration plate. At times, you can

apply for an age-related plate, based

on how old some parts are. There

major components (the suspension,

the steering, both axles, the

transmission or the engine).

A kit-built vehicle can have a

c u r r e nt r e g i s t r at ion i f it ’s a l l-ne w

or one component is reconditioned,

s o lon g a s it ’s not t he c h a s si s.

A kit-converted vehicle needs

two original parts plus the chassis.

And a radically altered vehicle

needs to accrue eight points from

the original chassis (five, although

this can be new and unmodified),

su spension (t wo), a x le s (t wo),

t ra nsm ission (t wo), ste er i ng (t wo) a nd

engine (one) to retain its registration.

Complex, then, and something to

c on side r at pr e t t y muc h e v e r y s t a ge

of a build or rebuild. If at the end of

it a car doesn’t comply, it can still be

registered for the road (inspection

dependent), but it’ll get a Q instead.

But if deviating from original

specification means something is
cooler, better-engineered or more

p ow e r f u l , i s t h at s o ba d? A s v e h ic le s

become ever more complicated and

new ones become harder to register,

I hope legislators bear in mind this

harmless hobbyist market, whether

components are Cortina or Zonda

and the plate is a Q or otherwise.


1922, when she was lent an 8hp car

by a friend (no licence needed back

then) and drove it on a carefree

56-mile journey across country.

Writing in 1974, she recounted

how somebody had told her that

she’d soon fall out of love with it –

but “just how wrong can you get?”

After a Standard and an Alvis,

she toured in her beloved Lancia

Lambda, which “never failed once”.

Her top tips to all were: always

make clear signals; don’t hesitate;

learn about your car; trust no one

on the road; curb your impatience;

pass the IAM test; and “expect
neither courtesy nor consideration

because of your sex, as I’m afraid

the reverse usually holds good”.

Indeed, men always seemed to

have “anxiety to pass at any price”,

although Betty did reckon women

“are far more likely to err in the

direction of exaggerated caution”.

has been additional cachet, then,

to avoiding the ‘in doubt’ plate, and

I don’t think you see Q-registered

cars as often as you used to.

T he s e d ay s , y ou’r e mo s t l i k e l y t o

spot them on eBay, accompanied

by the term ‘project’ or ‘barn find’.

Or on a Pagani Zonda in central

London. Wait, what?

Yes, there is a Zonda that, it seems,

was imported to the UK and has

been altered in specification since

it w a s f i r s t bu i lt. E it he r w ay, I doub t

the owner of Q821 GFE is too fussed

about the provenance suggested by

his or her numberplate. And perhaps

i n f ut u r e ne it he r w i l l t he r e s t of u s.

Step forward the restomod

(restored and modified), which

seems to be becoming the modern

alternative to a kit car. Rather
t h a n t a k i n g a n old c a r, r ippi n g t he

mechanicals out of it and putting

them into a new chassis, you keep the

old chassis and start squeezing new

or modified components into it.

The DVLA’s system for retaining

a car’s plate in such circumstances

is quite clear, if quite complicated.

There are different rules for – deep

breath – rebuilt vehicles, kit-built

vehicles, kit-converted vehicles

and radically altered vehicles.

To r e t a i n a c a r ’s or i g i n a l pl at e , a

rebuilt vehicle must have the original

chassis (or a new replacement to the

same spec), plus two other original


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