Baking Heaven April 2020

(Tuis.) #1
The richness of
the mousse is

balanced by cherries

mixed with whisky


Soy sauce

150g (5oz) light brown sugar
50g (2oz) vegan butter
1 tbsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp soy sauce

4 tbsp soy/almond/oat milk
For the brownies
200g (7oz) vegan butter
300g (10½oz) 60-80% dark
chocolate, chopped
200g (7oz) light brown sugar
80g (3oz) caster sugar
4 tbsp ground flaxseed combined
with 180ml (6fl oz) water or soy/
almond/oat milk, or 4 eggs’
worth of egg replacer, prepared
according to the package
100g (3½oz) plain flour
30g (1oz) cocoa powder
¼ tsp salt
icing sugar, for dusting (optional)

1 To make the butterscotch, melt the
sugar and vegan butter together in a
saucepan over a medium heat,
stirring frequently. When the sugar is
dissolved and bubbly, add the vanilla,
soy sauce and plant milk. Bring to the
boil and cook for about 5 minutes,

then remove from the heat.
2 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to
180°C/Gas Mark 6. Line a 30x20cm
(12x8in) baking tray with
baking parchment.
3 For the brownies, melt the vegan
butter in a saucepan or in the microwave.
Put the chocolate into a bowl, pour over
the hot melted butter and stir together to
melt the chocolate. Whisk in the sugars
and flaxseed mixture or egg replacer. Sift
in the flour, cocoa powder and salt, then
stir everything together until no bits of
flour remain.
4 Pour the brownie batter into the
prepared tray, then pour over the
butterscotch. Use a butter knife or
chopstick to swirl the batter and the
butterscotch together. Bake for
40-45 minutes. Shake the pan to check
if the brownies are done – the middle
should jiggle ever so slightly. Leave to
cool completely before cutting
into squares.

Chocolate mousse
with boozy
cherries and miso-
roasted pecans
For the miso-roasted pecans
1 tbsp miso
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp caster sugar
60g (2oz) pecan halves
For the mousse

175ml (6fl oz) water
200g (7oz) dark chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract
ice, for chilling
To finish
1 x 400g (14oz) tin of cherry pie
4 tbsp Japanese whisky or
bourbon, or any not-too-smoky

1 Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas
Mark 4.
2 To make the miso-roasted pecans,
mix together the miso, sesame oil and
sugar in a bowl. Use your hands to coat
the pecans with the miso mixture, then
spread out on a baking sheet and roast
for 10-15 minutes (check them after 10),
until deep brown. Remove from the
oven and leave to cool.
3 To make the mousse, bring the water to
a simmer, then add the chocolate and
vanilla extract. Simmer until the chocolate
is completely melted, then pour into a
mixing bowl. Place this bowl inside
another bowl half-filled with ice and a bit

of water, then whisk the chocolate water
as if you were whipping cream. As it cools
it will thicken and aerate – stop whipping
when the chocolate holds a trail, NOT
when it forms peaks, because it is very
easy to over-whip. However, if the
mixture siezes up and goes grainy, you
can just re-melt the chocolate and
start over.
4 Scoop the mousse into glasses
(ideally crystal so it all looks sufficiently
1970s!). Stir the cherry pie filling
together with the whisky, then spoon
that on top of the mousse. Cover and
refrigerate until 30 minutes before
serving. Garnish with the miso pecans
just before tucking in.

The almond jelly on
page 61 and the
recipes on page
62 are taken from
Vegan JapanEasy
by Tim Anderson,
published by Hardie
Grant Books (£22).
Photography by
Nassima Rothacker.
Free download pdf