2020-03-01 Better Nutrition

(backadmin) #1

(^10) • MARCH 2020
How to Eat Protein
for Weight Loss
Dinner is the biggest meal for many of
us, so that’s when we tend to eat the
largest amount of protein. But if you’re
trying to lose weight, spreading out the
day’s protein into equal parts at breakfast,
lunch, and dinner may be more effec-
tive, according to a study published in
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging.
In a group of older people on a weight-
loss program, roughly equal amounts of
protein at each meal produced greater
weight loss than eating the same amount
of food with most of the protein at dinner.
% of Doctors
Recommend ...
A survey of more than 5,600 American
medical doctors found that 53 percent
had recommended at least one type of
complementary healing therapy to their
patients during the previous year. The most
popular treatment was massage therapy,
followed by chiropractic or osteopathic
manipulation, herbs and other specialty
supplements, yoga, and acupuncture.
Eggshell membrane supplements, made from the clear film that
lines the insides of eggs, have traditionally been used as a remedy for
joint problems because they contain proteins and other ingredients
that nourish joints and connective tissue. But eggshell membrane
can also be a boon to skin and hair.
A 12-week study at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Fla.,
compared the effects of a hydrolyzed eggshell membrane supplement
and a placebo in a group of 88 healthy middle-aged adults. Skin
and hair improvements began to be visible after 4 weeks of daily
supplement use. Participants experienced less crow’s feet,
better skin tone, less hair breakage, and improved hair thickness and
growth. There was no change in nails.
The product tested was 450 mg daily of BiovaBio, a water-soluble
eggshell membrane ingredient that contains collagen, elastin,
hyaluronic acid, and peptides that promote tissue repair.
A different formulation of eggshell membrane, Natural Eggshell
Membrane (NEM), has been tested and found effective for joint
problems. At a dose of 500 mg daily, NEM has been found to help
improve flexibility of joints and connective tissues and to reduce
pain. NEM is an ingredient in many joint-supportive supplements.
Enhances Skin and Hair
The gentle, flowing move-
ments of Tai Chi reduce stress,
increase flexibility, enhance
overall fitness, and improve
balance. And now a study has
found that this fitness practice can
also enhance the health of arteries.
In Japan, researchers tested Tai
Chi classes in a group of relatively
healthy but sedentary older people
and compared results to a similar
group that did not participate. In
addition to improving their overall
strength and fitness, those doing Tai
Chi had less stiffness in their arteries
after six months of regular practice.
The researchers concluded that for
such health benefits, Tai Chi should
be practiced three times per week on
an ongoing basis.
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