2020-03-01 Better Nutrition

(backadmin) #1

(^32) • MARCH 2020
help. But for everyday demons such as
sugar, coffee, sodas, junk food, or fast
food, a simple detox can help break
persistent patterns. And once you
establish a healthier baseline, you’ll
feel better and crave less.
Your unhealthy habits will definitely
rear their ugly heads during any detox,
so start small. “People with persistent
habits usually just need to be persistent
with their cleansing,” says Poon. “If a
cleanse doesn’t work the first time, keep
working at it.” Try a one-day regimen,
then gradually progress to two or three
or longer. If you can’t stick to your one-day
cleanse, try again the following week.
Make simple swaps. In addition
to periodic short cleanses, make
detox part of your daily life. Start with
one not-so-healthy eating pattern—like
that Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino—and
commit to a better option. Be realistic:
you’re unlikely to swap your beloved
morning coffee for a cup of green tea,
:^ a
so a skim milk latte, sans sugar, may be
a likelier substitute. Or maybe you sub
your morning pastry for a whole-grain
bagel with a slice of cheese or turkey, or
dress your salad with extra virgin olive
oil instead of ranch.
“We want to make it sustainable,”
says Poon. “Many people get over-
whelmed by trying to bring new habits
into their regimen all at once, and then
feel defeated when they forget or can’t
keep up.” The point is to set yourself up
for success, and find a palatable switch
you’ll stick with.
Move and sweat. Let’s just get this
out of the way: it’s a myth that you
excrete toxins through your skin. The
skin’s primary role in the body’s detox
system is preventive—to act as a barrier
against harmful compounds such as
bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and
Having said that, exercise and sweating
are important during a detox to boost
circulation, increase respiration, and
keep energy moving through your body.
Regular exercise also protects against
inflammation to keep your body’s detox
system functioning properly. But during
a cleanse is no time for running a
marathon; stick to light, gentle exercise
such as yoga, tai chi, or a meditative
walk in the woods.
Support with supplements.
The right supplements—food-based,
preferably organic, and without any
chemical fillers—can support your
organs’ natural detox efforts. Don’t
overdo it: overloading your system with
handfuls of pills is pricey, complicated,
and a burden on your liver.
“Supplementing your cleanse with
supergreens can help alkalize, oxygenate,
and detoxify your body,” says Poon.
Chlorella, a type of algae, may enhance
the elimination of heavy metals and other
toxins. Probiotics support gut health,
essential in moving waste and toxins

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