Kiplinger\'s Personal Finance - 04.2020

(Tina Sui) #1
as much as it would under
previous models. The use
of trended data “creates a
smoothing effect” over such
blips, says Joanne Gaskin,
vice president of scores and
analytics at FICO.
On the f lip side, paying
off a big chunk of credit
card debt to decrease your
credit-utilization ratio—
especially if you take out a
personal loan to do it—won’t
likely give your score as
quick of a boost as under
previous models. And re-
cent late payments may be
more heavily penalized.
FICO says that credit card

giant, is adjusting how it
calculates its three-digit key
to your creditworthiness.
Consumers who have rising
levels of credit card and
other debt could see their
FICO scores take a hit.
But if you already have an
above-average score, it may
get even healthier.
With its new FICO 10 T
score, FICO incorporates
“trended data,” reviewing
a consumer’s account bal-
ances and payment activity
on loans and credit cards
over the past 24 months.
If you steadily pay off debt
over time, that has a posi-
tive effect on your 10 T
Paying the full balance
on your credit card each
month is also good for your
score, says Ted Rossman,
of Or, if
you pay only the minimum
amount due for a while and
later bump up your monthly
payments, that also helps
your score, he says.
Plus, certain short-term
changes in account activity
may not hurt your score as
much as they would have in
the past. Say that you typi-
cally use a small percentage
of the credit available to
you on a credit card (a low
credit-utilization ratio im-
proves your credit score)
and pay off the full balance



FICO’s newest model takes a long-term look
at how you’ve managed credit.

monthly. But then you
book a vacation with your
card, racking up a big bal-
ance and carrying some of
it to the following month.
The 10 T score views that
event as an anomaly, and
it may not harm your score

How FICO Scores Have Evolved

Every five years or so, FICO updates its credit-score formula. Each version builds on the previous one.
Here are the new features that FICO added to each of its three latest score models.

and auto lenders that re-
quire a minimum score of
680 (on a scale of 300 to
850) may approve about 6%
more applicants under 10 T
compared with FICO 8, a
model that lenders com-
monly use now.
Lenders are usually slow
to take on new scores, so it
could be years until FICO 10
T is broadly adopted. And
the fundamental advice to
maintain a strong credit
score hasn’t changed: Pay
your bills on time, keep your
credit-utilization ratio low
and apply for new credit
sparingly. LISA GERSTNER




➜Released in 2009 and commonly
used by lenders today.
➜Using a high percentage of avail-
able credit on a credit card is more
heavily penalized.
➜A single late payment isn’t as detri-
mental to your score, but numerous
delinquencies are more harmful.
➜Collection accounts with original
balances of less than $100 are ignored.
➜Becoming an authorized user on a
stranger’s credit card through “trade-
line renting” has little benefit.


➜Released in 2014 and
gaining wider adoption
by lenders.
➜Paid-off collection
accounts are ignored.
➜Unpaid collection ac-
counts related to medical
debt have less of a negative
➜Rental-payment history
is considered when in-
cluded on a credit report.


➜To be released mid to
late 2020.
➜ Incorporates “trended
data,” analyzing the past
24 months of balances
and payment activity on
credit cards and loans.
➜ Recent late payments
may be penalized more
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