Cosmopolitan UK - 04.2020

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important, therefore limiting
the likelihood of interruptions.
You can also gently let people
know when you are busy and
don’t want to be interrupted.
A simple “I’d love to hear
more – could we discuss it
at 3pm?” conveys that you
can be a team player and
are more than happy to
catch up – without sacrificing
your productivity.

If you work in a more flexible,
progressive office, having
just one day to work from
home could really make
a difference to your mental
health. Imagine: a day without
having to be “on” all the time;
without small talk, a crowded
commute or constant
interruptions. You’ll also get
SO much more done.

Yes, it’s time to get your game
face on for the sake of your
career (and the rest of your
life, tbh). A few basic pointers:
networking gets easier the
more you do it; don’t expect
every encounter to go
perfectly; and, when in doubt,

use your introvert superpower: listening.

Ask genuine questions and really pay

attention to the answers – this will also

take the focus off you. You’ll be pleasantly

surprised with what you find out and the

connections you make – and you’ll know

a lot more about the person you’ve met

than the average extrovert would. Also,

it’s easier if you arrive at events early,

before the crowd feels impenetrable.

And don’t leave after 15 minutes – it takes

a while for most people to warm up so,

if you can, stay for at least an hour.

A recent study by scientists from the
University At Buffalo in the US has shown
that solitude can promote creativity, and
this is especially true for introverts, who
might find they freeze up in group
brainstorming sessions, or don’t want to
publicly share their ideas. Introverts often
excel at concentrating intensely for several
hours at a time, so employers lose out
on potentially amazing ideas by insisting
on group work. In fact, research has
consistently found that group brainstorming
sessions yield fewer ideas than that of the
same number of people who worked
separately and then combined their ideas.
Ahead of big meetings, ask if you can
submit your ideas directly to the meeting
leader and then go into the brainstorm.

Here’s an inescapable fact of life: most
of us will have to speak publicly or give a
presentation at work at some point in our
careers. It’s a great way to show off who
we are, what we’ve been working on and
our strengths. But, ugh, the anxiety. The
fear of being in the spotlight may never go
away but there are steps you can take to
ease your nerves. If you have ample time
to prepare, find an opportunity to rehearse
in front of someone else (or better yet,
a few people). This will allow you to
experience many of your insecurities
before the big presentation, which can
help enormously on the day (even though
the rehearsal will probably also be
painful). By giving your talk a few times in
front of others (ask a trusted friend), your
confidence will grow. If you don’t have
someone with whom you feel comfortable
sharing your presentation, it may be worth
investing in a session with a speech coach.

Figure out what makes you thrive. If you
find that meeting new people, making
cold calls and interacting with lots of

faces all day stresses you out, then it’s
probably best that you don’t pursue
a line of work that involves these tasks.
While nearly every job will require
some compromises, finding one that
doesn’t drain you or cause you to be in
a frequent state of anxiety will transform
your life. That might mean becoming
a freelancer, changing vocations or
merely switching to a smaller company,
but whatever you decide, figure out
what the ideal work environment and
culture is for you. And also know that
you can change the way things are.
If you love your job, but find yourself
frustrated by all the group work sessions,
talk to your boss about allowing more
time to work alone. If you speak up,
you might be able to change the office
for the better – for yourself and your
fellow introverts. ◆
Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come:
An Introvert’s Year Of Living Dangerously
by Jessica Pan is out now in paperback



If you answer “yes” to the majority of
these questions, it’s likely you lean more
towards introversion than extroversion...

Do you prefer one-on-one
conversations to talking in group

After a few hours of socialising, do
you feel drained and crave time alone
to recharge?

Do you prefer to listen first and talk
later at work meetings?

Are you a good listener and expect the
same from others?

Do you prefer a few close friendships
as opposed to many casual ones?

Do you feel energised after spending
time alone?

Do you express yourself better in
writing than speaking off the cuff?



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