ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

136 | Chapter 4: Decorator Pattern

another kind of object that can be decorated, such as a front yard to be decorated

with gnomes and pink plastic flamingoes. Additionally, you want to be able to

retrieve information, and so it has a getter function.

Abstract Decorator Class

Next, the abstract decorator is a subclass class of theComponentclass that inherits the

informationvariable, so nothing is needed as far as theinformationvariable is con-

cerned. In fact, nothing’s required for this simple example other than defining the

class as an extension of theComponentclass. However, thegetInformation()method

is re-implemented independently of theComponentclass, using theoverridestate-

ment—which does what it says on the tin; it overrides parent class methods. This is

done to distinguish the same method being used for theDecoratorclass from the

method being used for theComponentclass. All the concrete decorations are sub-

classed from theDecoratorclass, and all concrete components are subclassed directly

from theComponentclass. Further on, the concrete components will be wrapped in

concrete decorators, and such distinctions become important in more complex

implementations of the Decorator design pattern. Thetrace( )statement is used to

show you where in the process the abstract Decorator class appears. Save

Example 4-2

Once the two abstract classes,ComponentandDecorator, have been established, it’s

time to work with the concrete classes. For this example, only a single concrete com-

ponent is created. Cleverly namedConcreteComponent, this class represents whatever

will be decorated in a Decorator design pattern. You can have multiple concrete

components that all use the same set of decorations, or only a single one. Later in

this chapter, you will see an application where multiple concrete classes are deco-

rated by a single set of decorators. The nice thing about the Decorator is that you can

add as many concrete components as you want. Imagine a business web site where

the concrete component represents an e-business site that you’ve worked on for sev-

Example 4-2.

//Abstract Decorator in Decorator Design Pattern
//Abstract class
public class Decorator extends Component
override public function getInformation( ):String
return information;

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