ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Applying a Simple Decorator Pattern in Flash: Paper Doll | 145

All si xdecorations can be used in any combination you want with the instance of the

Modelclass. This next section shows how to implement the Decorator pattern using

the different decorators.

Implementing the Paper Doll Decorator

As noted, no interface was created for implementing this application, and so you can

see clearly how the concrete component is wrapped by the decorators. Then, on the

stage, you can see the effects of the different combinations.

The sequence is:

  1. Instantiate a concrete component.

  2. Wrap the concrete component in the desired decorator instance using the format:
    componentInstance = new DecoratorInstance(componentInstance)

  3. Apply the getter method (getDressed( )) to the concrete component instance
    initiated to get the fully wrapped values. The values will include those of the
    concrete component instance and the applied decorations.

Example 4-16 illustrates how to implement the paper doll decorator.

Example 4-15.

public class Muff extends Dresser
private var model:Model;
public function Muff(model:Model)
override public function getDressed( ):String
return model.getDressed( ) + "~muff";

Example 4-16.

import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class FashionShow extends Sprite
var ensemble:Array=new Array( );
public function FashionShow( )

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