ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

194 | Chapter 5: Adapter Pattern

interceptkey downevents, we need to attach listeners to interceptmouse downand

mouse moveevents. Note that the listeners should be attached to the stage rather

than theLegacyCarobject. This enables the listener functions to receive mouse clicks

over the broad area of the stage, as opposed to directly over the car object.

this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.doMouseMove);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this.doMouseDown);

All that’s required now is to implement the listener functions that call the appropri-

ate methods in the adapter. ThedoMouseDown( )function listens tomouse downevents

and calls thegoStraight( ) method in the adapter.

private function doMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
this.carAdapter.goStraight( );

ThedoMouseMove( )function listens tomouse moveevents. It checks whether the

mouse has moved to the left or right from its last position. The last mouse position is

saved in theoldMouseStageXproperty. Based on whether the mouse moved to the left

or right, the adapter methodsturnMoreToTheLeft( )andturnMoreToTheRight( )are


private function doMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void
// change in horizontal mouse position
var xDiff = event.stageX - this.oldMouseStageX;
if (xDiff > 0) {
this.carAdapter.turnMoreToTheRight( );
} else {
this.carAdapter.turnMoreToTheLeft( );
event.updateAfterEvent( ); // process this event first
this.oldMouseStageX = event.stageX // save old mouse x position

As is evident from this example, that well-thought-out design of adapters can be used

in multiple contexts.

Example: List Display Adapter

Adapter patterns also come in handy to create reusable classes that use existing

classes to implement some of the required functionality. For example, think about

when you would want to display a list of values on theStage. There may be many

instances when you want to do this: lists of names, lists of high scores in a game, lists

of products in a shopping cart, etc. In Flash you can use aTextFieldto display a list,

putting each item on a separate line. However, this requires that the display text be

preformatted with a carriage return character ('\r', ASCII 13) separating each list

item before sending it out to theTextFieldobject for display. The following code

snippet will display a list using aTextField object.

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