ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

202 | Chapter 5: Adapter Pattern

The feed URL ( is specified in line 37. The

URLLoader( )method (line 40) loads this document over the Internet, and calls the

xmlLoaded( )function when loading is complete. ThexmlLoaded( )method is regis-

tered as a listener function (line 41) because loading data is an asynchronous opera-

tion requiring notification when the process is completed. It is important that the

default namespace be set if a namespace is specified in the XML document (lines 50-

53). This enables E4X to do proper validation while parsing the XML document. The

for each statement accesses each book title (lines 55-58) and adds it to the

ListDisplayField adapter. Figure 5-7 shows the output from the example.

53 }

54 // populate the ListDisplayField with new book titles
55 for each (var bookTitle:XML in xml..entry.title)
56 {
57 newBookListField.addItem(bookTitle.toString( ));
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 }

Figure 5-7. The O’Reilly new books list displayed using the ListDisplayField adapter

Example 5-17. (document class)

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