ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1


Chapter 6

Composite Pattern 6

What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by
which I mean that everybody, every team, every
platform, every division, every component is there not
for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for
contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win

—W. Edwards Deming

In a logically perfect language, there will be one word
and no more for every simple object, and everything
that is not simple will be expressed by a combination
of words, by a combination derived, of course, from
the words for the simple things that enter in, one word
for each simple component.

—Bertrand Russell

A complex system that works is invariably found to
have evolved from a simple system that works.

—John Gaule

What Is the Composite Pattern?

The composite pattern provides a robust solution to building comple xsystems that

are made up of several smaller components. The components that make up the sys-

tem may be individual objects or containers that represent collections of objects.

Think of a car as a comple xsystem that is made up of several smaller components.

The car contains an engine, body, chassis, seats, tires, etc. For the sake of simplicity,

let’s consider a tire as an indivisible or primitive object. A car would be composed of

four tires (in reality a tire contains several smaller components such as hubcap, rim,

tube, etc.). Similarly, a car contains one steering wheel. However, the engine con-

tains several smaller components such as cylinders, compressor, radiator, etc. The

engine is a component of the car, but the engine itself is a collection of components.

We refer to a component that is a collection of other components as a composite

object. The beauty of the composite pattern is that it allows clients to treat primitive

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