ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

218 | Chapter 6: Composite Pattern

while a playlist is a composite object that contains a collection of songs. Let’s first

create the component class for our playlist example application. file (Example 6-8) contains the Component abstract class that

defines the interface for both songs and playlists. TheSong.asfile (Example 6-10)

contains theSongclass, and thePlaylist.asfile (Example 6-9) contains thePlaylist

class. BothSongandPlaylistclasses extend theComponentclass and provide neces-

sary implementations.

TheComponentclass defines the abstract interface for both theSongandPlaylist

classes. It also defines the abstract methodplay( ).

Example 6-8.

import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;

// ABSTRACT Class (should be subclassed and not instantiated)
public class Component
public function add(c:Component):void
throw new IllegalOperationError
("add operation not supported");

public function remove(c:Component):void
throw new IllegalOperationError
("remove operation not supported");

public function getChild(n:int):Component
throw new IllegalOperationError
("getChild operation not supported");
return null;

// ABSTRACT Method (must be overridden in a subclass)
public function play( ):void {}

Example 6-9.

public class Playlist extends Component

private var sName:String;

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