ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Example: Animating Composite Objects Using Inverse Kinematics | 223

Using Inverse Kinematics

Inverse kinematics is a method by which rigid objects interconnected by joints can

move to form different poses. A good example of this type of object is a marionette: a

puppet controlled by a puppeteer using strings. The hands and legs of the puppet

consist of several parts connected by joints. For example, the upper arm would be

connected to the torso at the shoulder. The upper arm would in turn be connected to

the forearm through the elbow joint. The hand would be connected to the forearm at

the wrist. These interconnected objects form a kinematic chain. Inverse kinematics

allows kinematic chains to move, constrained by the range of motion allowed by the

joints. The simplest form of a kinematic chain has a free end that’s controlled exter-

nally. For example, the hand of a marionette would be a free end since it’s attached

to a puppeteer’s string. Because joints connect them, the hand, forearm, and upper

arm move when the puppeteer pulls this string. Try this yourself: let your left arm go

limp, and pull it up by the hand using your right arm. Notice how the external force

is pulling your left hand, which translates the pulling motion to the forearm, which

in turn pulls the upper arm. The notion of interconnected objects pulling each other

is the primary concept in inverse kinematics. This type of motion is very similar to

the motion of the snake application we will develop.

In the example application, users will control the head of the snake using the key-

board. When the head moves, interconnected body segments will move based on

inverse kinematic principles. The whole snake will be a kinematic chain.

Kinematic chains consist of one or more kinematic pairs. For example, the upper

arm and forearm form a kinematic pair. Adjoining body segments in our snake will

also form kinematic pairs. We will develop the snake as a composite object. The

head of the snake will be the root node, and body segments will be connected to

each other. Each node will be a composite object as they have child objects con-

nected to them. The last segment of the snake, which is the tail (or the rattle for a

rattlesnake), will be a component object.

Creating Component and Composite Nodes for the Snake

All our components will bedisplay objectson the stage. Therefore we can develop the

component class by extending theSpriteclass. This allows us to inherit the proper-

ties and methods to manipulate components on the stage to make them move and

respond to events. Example 6-11 shows theComponentclass that’ll be used to create

animated figures. The only difference in this class when compared to previous com-

ponent classes is that it extends theSpriteclass and declares a method called

update( ).

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