ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

226 | Chapter 6: Composite Pattern

The snake’s head will be controlled by keyboard events. The next step is to develop

the document class that will build the snake, and register keyboard events to control

the snake.

Controlling the Snake

Example 6-14 shows theMainclass that builds the composite snake structure and

registers event handler methods to control the snake. As a first step, only the snake’s

head will be created (lines 18-23). The arrow keys will make the snake head move

forward, backward, rotate left, and right. The snake’s head will be the free end of the

kinematic chain that represents the snake. Just like the puppeteer’s string pulling on

the marionette’s hand, key presses will pull on the snake’s head and rotate it.

Example 6-13.

public class Head extends Composite
public function Head(color:uint = 0xC0C0C0)
graphics.lineStyle(20, color);
graphics.moveTo(0, 0);
graphics.lineTo(20, 0);

Example 6-14.

1 package
2 {
3 import flash.display.Sprite;
4 import*;
5 import flash.geom.*;
6 import flash.ui.Keyboard;
8 /**
9 * Main Class
10 * @ purpose: Document class for movie
11 */
12 public class Main extends Sprite
13 {
14 private var snake:Composite;
16 public function Main( )
17 {
18 // create snake
19 snake = new Head( );
20 snake.x = snake.y = 200;
22 // add snake to stage
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